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  I made a new map just for the tournaments here it is try it and let me know what you think...........................

                             TODAYS NEWS........APRIL,7,2001

                               Well the tournament was as it always was no one showed up but for those who did i will post the scores

                                LadyLuck lost to Huckleberry 20/15
                                RebelLady lost to MaddMan 20/7
                                Warwolf lost to Huckleberry 20/16
                                MaddMan lost to Huckleberry due to forfeit

                         WINNER FOR THE WEEK

             The rest of us have to stay on the porch


                             Today's news ................APRIL,5,2001
                                I was about to give up on the tournament Cause NO ONE WAS SHOWIN UP and WHEN THEY DID I COULDN'T GET DONE with the darn thing .I told huckleberry and he said he would take over the tournament's he's the man now so don't ask me ill just put the scores on this site ,THAT'S IT.
                                    TOURNAMENT TONIGHT   8:00 Eastern time

              And if your a new member I'd like to put your name on the wolf pack list so please E-mail me with your name and a short description of yourself Thank You