7 DEADLY SKINZ... | home
...we need to to have 2 very important Programs :
Once you have these 2 programs downloaded and installed, you will then be on your way to making your own personalized skins...but wait...learning these programs, I found myself almost tearing out all my hair.
The first step you will do is select the model you so desire to customize:
Click the FILE tab on the top left corner of your Half-Life Model Viewer, then select LOAD MODEL. As an example : Select the MODELS folder in you CS directory.
Choose the model of your choice :
v_m4a1_r.mdl (for righty view)
w_m4a1.mdl (for world view)
...those 3 files are the only .mdl files you should be changing...
" p_m4a1.mdl " is not compatible with the rekinning process...as far as i know.
Once you load the model then select the TEXTURE tab underneath the model itself. Select a texture from the list and then select the EXPORT tab Export it to anywhere really and open it in PSP7.
"Ok i have my selected texture opened in PSP7...now what?"
First off, "Increase" the texture to 16 MILLION COLORS (CTRL+SHFT+ZERO)....Edit what you want on the texture...then "Decrease" colors to 256 COLORS (CTRL+SHIFT+3) and save it (F12) anywhere you would like to.
Now go back into your "HLMV v1.24" and select the texture that you "EXPORTED" earlier. Now you will be IMPORTING the modified versoin of the same texture (important !!! make sure its the same texture or it will not work !!!) and your weapon should be ready for the god almighty save .mdl....and thats all there is to it...enjoy the FINISHED model and submit your work to me, lets just say i'll post it up so that others like me and you would like to showcase your custom models.