And I'm glad I'm not right

Well, I guess I should explain. Basically, The softball Player and I talked yesterday. And we talked for a loooooooong time. Around four hours. And it was a very promising four hours. Lets just say that I was very happy last night. After all, two weeks w/o really talking and then talking makes a huge difference.

Today has been an all around good day. Very trying though. Basically, I woke up at five, got back to my dorm at 5:30, went to bed, woke up at 8, cleaned off my desk to work, and finished my homework before class.

Then I had to rush to class and present my little work of art, and then took an annoying quiz. Then, I went to my next class and had another quiz, ahh. But afterwards, I went to pick up a sack lunch and went back to my dorm, only to find . . .

My dorm lock has been changed! So imagine this, I was walking, with a backpack on, a sketchbook in one hand and a lunch in the other, only to find my dorm room utternly locked. So I had to drop off my stuff at my neighbors and rush over to FacMan, or Facility Management to get a new key. After that, I got back to my dorm and finally got the network to work with my computer, joy!

Finally, I got to relax for a few minutes. After all that, I went weightlifting. Yeah, ending a frustrating day with good old pain :) Alls well that ends well. I'm still talking to softball player and I am a happy person.

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