25 february 2005:
(--:-- EST)
-I'm sorry for delay...
-Here my 1st released work for DOOM3. This is remake of
Dead Simple level from DOOM2 i hope you'll enjoy it. You
can take it here (3.2Mb).
31 october 2001:
(--:-- EST)

Memory of Yuri W. Kolesnikov.
May 3, 1940 - October 29, 2001
17 june 2001:
(--:-- EST)

-Quake III Lost Arena (also
known as REALq3) has been released, you can get it here:
http://www.planetquake.com/5thd/rq3private/q3_losta.exe -6 Mb
http://www.planetquake.com/5thd/rq3private/q3_losta.r00 -6 Mb
http://www.planetquake.com/5thd/rq3private/q3_losta.r01 -6 Mb
http://www.planetquake.com/5thd/rq3private/q3_losta.r02 -6 Mb
http://www.planetquake.com/5thd/rq3private/q3_losta.r03 -6 Mb
http://www.planetquake.com/5thd/rq3private/q3_losta.r04 -6 Mb
http://www.planetquake.com/5thd/rq3private/q3_losta.r05 -6 Mb
http://www.planetquake.com/5thd/rq3private/q3_losta.r06 -6 Mb
http://www.planetquake.com/5thd/rq3private/q3_losta.r07 -6 Mb
http://www.planetquake.com/5thd/rq3private/q3_losta.r08 -6 Mb
http://www.planetquake.com/5thd/rq3private/q3_losta.r09 -4 Mb
http://www.planetquke.com/5thd/rq3private/Q3LostArena_Update.zip -4,6 Mb
You may unpack this 11 files (w/o Q3LostArena_update.zip)
and place Quake3LostArena.zip
at your FTP. Update contains 3 fixed CTF levels and some
stuff like map media for level designers. Update also can
be placed with Q3LA .zip archive.
18 march 2000:
-20:00 (9:00 EST)
- Model "Zindahsh" is available for download (1.2Mb).
- At this moment i work on REALq3 TC and i can't work on any stand-alone
projects. Sorry...

13 february 2000:
-22:50 (11:50 EST)
-Tutorial updated to version 0.5 (0.5r). Available in EDITING section.
12 february 2000:
-22:41 (11:41 EST)
-Tutorial updated to version 0.4 (0.4r). And available in
EDITING section.
10 february 2000:
-21:51 (10:51 EST)
- 5thD group page has been updated! Now full information
you can read there.
-(13:30 EST)
- Here is two shots from REALq3 new TC of 5thD group (their page not updated yet, because there
is problem with members), their still need a designers,
programers, modelers, artists... more info you can get here.
(180kb) | SHOT2 (180kb)
9 february 2000:
-16:54 (5:54 EST)
- 5thD group announced TC (total conversion) for Quake3Arena.
Here little bit: "We need designers, programmers,
etc.". So if you
want JOIN click here for more information.
7 february 2000:
(11:45 EST)
-This is last 3 shots from this level (i call it bridge),
next shots past release...

-zindahsh section is now available.
6 february 2000:
(12:01 EST)
-Here's shot from my current project, at this time it
will be a playble level.

4 february 2000:
-23:46 (12:46 EST)
-Tutorial version 0.3 (english/russian)is available. See EDITING section.
17 january 2000:
-19:56 (8:56 EST)
-New version of Tutorial is available! Now tutorial is on
two languages English and Russian...
13 january 2000:
-19:34 (8:34 EST)
-Here's link to new pseudo-map (just finished)... Click here to get it (242Kb), readme file. Here's shots:
12 january 2000:
-1:02 (14:02 EST)
-At EDITING section you can take new tutorial, there is
lot of cool stuff.
10 january 2000:
-18:09 (7:09 EST)
-New tutorial at EDITING section. BounceyPads.
-At this moment I work on new level... release on 15
january or on 17...
6 january 2000:
-20:37 (9:37 EST)
-First release of Quake III Arena: BotPack now available for download. You can get file here (21Kb), or see readme! There is one goodie - new skin
for model DOOM - The StoneCold! :)
1 january 2000:
-20:48 (9:48 EST)
-Section EDITING is now available! there is one tutorial.
27 december 1999:
-20:17 (9:17 EST)
can see Zindahsh's FTP is no more, but now this page
calls Zindahsh's Download Center or just zdlc (maybe
later i can create zdlc.com, i already have this Domain,
but i have no money to pay for good work of zdlc.com :(
...), and i think what you will like the design of this
-Some sections don't ready yet, but when i'll get the
winter holidays, i will finish them.
-Soon i'll begin work at MOD for Q3A, as designer (levels,
2D, skins, scRIPts etc. Now i can't say more, but later i
will show you some things.
-New editing sections was made for some cool tutorials!
For more information see NEWS section later.
20 december 1999:
-21:06 (10:06 EST)
-Hello! I've got one funny level for retail Q3A - Dead
Simple III (conversion
of DOOM2's map07). You can get it here
(670Kb), and read about it here.
13 december 1999:
-13:47 (2:47 EST)
-Hey, you have a powerful system? Don't miss it! Weapons
for Q3A with chrome effect! Here is zip
file (2Kb) and here exe (32Kb).
Need readme? Here!
12 december 1999:
-19:02 (8:02 EST)
-Ok. Here is 'real' Visor skin for retail Q3A. Final release.
Get it here (190Kb). Need readme?
11 december 1999:
-21:19 (10:19 EST)
-I've mixed first my melody for just released Quake III
Arena. Here readme.
And here file.
31 october 1999:
-22:20 (11:20 EST)
-Ok i've finished skin of Q3:A visor. Preview here: shot1, shot2, shot3. You can get it here.
30 october 1999:
-15:10 (4:10 EST)
-Few minutes ago i finished new project Q2Visor! This is
a model, skins, sounds. Get it here.
29 october 1999:
-22:50 (11:50 EST)
-Level ready! You can get Claustrophobopolis for Q3Test (v1.05)
-22:35 (11:35 EST)
-Ok. I'll do it here's link...
-21:50 (10:50 EST)
-I want to release my own skin with my face it's ready
but i don't know about releasing it.
-I work on Claustrophobopolis for Q3Test project and all
done, but textures...
-21:47 (10:47 EST)
-Fixed all bugs on .html files (bad links), but not all
-19:00 (8:00 EST)
-I've complete 2 new skins for Q2CTF you can download it here. See FILES section for more.
3 september 1999:
-21:14 (10:14 EST)
-I've moved all files from my home-page. See FILES section for more
29 august 1999:
-7:10 (20:10 EST)
-I've complete new project Q3Test's Visor Update (1Mb). There is 8 new colored
Visor's skins (preview).
21 august 1999:
-23:17 (00:17 EST)
-Finished all images. For any sources e-mail me.
-10:38 (23:38 EST)
-Soon i move my files from my home-page to this place.
-8:25 (21:25 EST)
-Start work on visorwslash3 (940Kb) and Q3A-box (670Kb) (just simple background
with Q3A logo, id Software, 3dfx Interactive...).
-6:08 (19:08 EST)
-Downloaded visorwslash2.zip (902Kb).
Copyright ©1999-2001 Zindahsh.
All rights reserved.
All other trade marks are the property of their owners.