NOTE: I posted this on the discussion board over at DSC on Sunday May 17, so you might have already read this.

Here is my summary of the Mechcommander....

Graphics: The graphics of MechCommander are nothing less than absolutely stunning. Even that was probably an understatement. The detail of individual mechs, buildings, and vehicles are gorgeous. The zoomed out view is best for commanding large forces, while the zoomed in lets you see things up close and personal (not to mention graphically superb).

Sound: The sound is also phenominal. I love having the mechwarriors report in and the action-triggered sound track. I almost start yelling at my pilots when it gets intense. Explosions and other sound effects rock!

Command Interface: The command interface is confusing at first, but after the first couple games, you realize how useful it is. Most of the time you don't have enough time to check on individual mech stats through the scroll-back box, so it really helps to have the mech outlines at the bottom of the screen.

Inter-mission: The breifings are nice. The entering mission voice is really cool. The mech and weapon screen is weird, and the weapons are very different from the Battletech universe stats. Everything else here is up to par or better (I especially like the right-click feature for mech designing and selection, saves all that dragging time).

Complaints or Questions: Every time a mech of mine gets heavily damaged, the power bar disapears and its really hard to tell if you are curently issuing him/her orders. But my biggest complaint is THERE ARENT ENOUGH MISSIONS IN THE DEMO!!!! I want to rev up my salvaged Vulture oh so bad!

Final Impressions: All Around Best Game of 98, Best RTS game of 98, Best game animation of 98, Best game sound of 98, Best interactive game of 98, you get the drift.

Keep up the good work FasaInteractive!!

Legend Slayer [email protected]
