beNAdex prestents...  another internet jukebox...


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music...  it comes in a lot of different types. i mean, country, rock, pop, rap, folk, heavy metal, soft rock, childrens, classical, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.

thing `bout music...  no matter how good or bad of a song it is, there will still be a large percentage of people who will decide it isn't a good song just because of the category it fits under. i have always questioned people who think like that. i mean, i enjoy songs because of the song, not whether people call it country or not.

this site likes all music...  we like to spread around all different types of music, so, we do. we choose what we like, and use it here. wether we have clips, lyrics, reviews, or something else it's about the song... not the categorie it would be listed under on the "columbia house" flyers.

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