Responding Over Partner's Opening 1NT with Both Majors

You just love the fact that partner has opened 1NT. Especially since you are looking at these lovely cards:

AQxxx ~~~ KQxxx ~~~ x ~~~ xx

Your first thought should be, "How the heck do I show partner I have 5/5 distribution in the majors??" One way to accomplish this is with a partnership agreement that over a 1NT opening, your bid of 3 hearts promises 5/5 in the majors with points sufficient to invite the 1NT opener to game, and the bid of 3 spades promises 5/5 distribution in the majors with points sufficient to force to game. Partner may now sign off at a part score in one of the majors or in 2NT, or partner may bid game in one of the majors or game in 3NT.

The Bidding Box

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