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All things WoT related... new books... etc

Apparently, publishers are thinking of making the series into mini trilogies after the last twelfth book is published. Think about it, the first three are practically introductions to what happens, then the next six are made up of before Rand goes crazy and after he starts going crazy, then the last three are the end. It makes sense in a way.

Poor Rand. :(

Crossroads of Time was just released down here, don't know about anywhere else... I haven't been able to get around to reading it but most people agree that it's gathering up loose ends so I think the end of the series is in sight.


Sometimes, I feel glad that the books are going to end because then there'll be an ending to it. But then, I don't want it to end because it's such a great series...


I think I'll go cry for a while and surf for some WoT rumours- this news has really upset me... *choke* *sob*