Felix Branch....... Chicago Bound
My Siblings Angerline, Ann, Calvin, Andrew, and Edward Felix. Those were the ones I grew up loving and knowing. My older sister, we called her Bee, was a tough tiny woman. She stood her ground and didn't back down. She was humorous and witty. Bee was liked by many people. She was very loving and had a big heart. My sister and I were very close, there wasn't anything we wouldn't do for each other.
Angerline married Joseph Marshall in 1949. They didn't have children of their own, but they loved their nieces and nephews, especially by oldest son. In 1957, they did adopt two sons. Bee and Joe were very proud of their sons. The oldest son left home very early in life. He married very young and was soon a father. The younger son remained with his parents until he joined the Marines. My beloved sister, passed away in December of 1977. Many years have passed, and my oldest nephew, Johnny O is successful, talented vocally and doing well in Texas. Both brothers now made their home near Dallas.
I had three children, Warren, Kenneth and Mallory-Linda. My life was filled with work from an early age. My mother, Laura Felix helped me raised them. They all graduated from high school and attended college. However, my daughter became a teacher with a Masters Degree and my younger son became a Chicago Policeman. My oldest son joined the Navy immediately after high school. He had talent as an artist, singer and dancer.
Calvin Felix{Jack} was a veteran of WW II. He had a daughter, my oldest niece Doretha. Calvin was a smooth dancer, and also quite witty. He worked for a large manufacturing company Stewart Die Casting until 1981, when he suffered a paralyzing stroke. His nieces and nephews loved him very much.
Andrew Felix, quite handsome as was all my brother. He was however, the tallest. He met and married Viola M. Maxwell. They enjoyed a loving marriage and raised seven children. My brother, Wicky as we called retired from a very celebrated career at Continental Can. Later we learned he had cancer. He lived several years, but he succombed to its brutality in 1991.
Edward Felix, my youngest brother was in the Air Forces. Short in structure for a man, but very strong and forceful. He never backed down, or ran from trouble. In fact, trouble seemed to find him. Married and divorced, his life seemed to change. He became more of a drifter. He loved his siblings and his mother. Soon he would have children of his own. At the age of 43, in 1974, he was gunned down. He left very young children. Young and vulnerable. However, he would have been proud to know that they have done very well for themselves.

Warren has four children and several grandchildren. He is newly married at this time and just purchased a home. He loves a more rural setting. He comes to Chicago to visit family. He had a job enjoyed and was popular at the company. Earlier this year, Warren had a devasting accident on the job. He is now recovering with the help of physical therapy.
My son, Kenneth retired from the Chicago PD in April. This was something he had been planning for years. He has four children and reasonably happy with their lives choices so far. There some disappointments. I'm very proud of him, and grateful to God he is safely out of the CPD.
My daughter, Mallory-Linda, the quite, willful one. She has made her own choices since she was able to do so. I let her go, but held her close to my heart. She needed to find her way. I believed God would help her may good choices. He has brought her a mighty long way.
She really surprised me, she is very talented. Actually, she continues to amaze me with what she can do and accomplish. However, it wasn't until a few years ago that she showed definite confidence in herself. She has no children, but loves all her nieces and nephews.

My Children
My Grandchildren Pamela and Erik are my oldest grandchildren. Pamela is married with several children. She also teaches in the Chicago Public Schools. She has a Masters Degree. Erik lives out of state, and has several children. He is a professional bowler, and is a DJ. Erik recently added golfing to his list of sporting interests.
Kenneth, Jr. and Keith are in their twenties. Kenneth, Jr. has artistic talent and does some mechanical work with cars.
Keith is a composer, arranger and producer of music. He is an accomplished singer as well. He keeps busy with many interests, but God is still high on his list.
My other grandchildren are yet starting to spread their wings. They range in age from twenty-one to six months. I pray they will not be trapped in the pits that lure our young people so much these days. We can teach them, and pray!

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