Snippet, Visual Basic 5 Add-in for developers. Snippet allows Visual Basic 5 programmers to keep a VB5 aware code and notes library.
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Snippet has a few main goals:
- Provide a VB code fragment and notes library in a more convenient organization than multiple BAS files.
- Provide a more simple way to insert common error handling code in any procedure.
Snippet allows you to define several place-holder variables that can be replaced when you request Snippet to paste into VB. For example, Snippet has a variable named %author% which represents your name. You can use %author% in any of your snippets and Snippet will replace all occurences of %author% with your choice. In addition, Snippet is aware of the name of the procedure that you are editing and has a variable named %proc% to represent it. This handy feature allows you to create useful snippets for error handling that dynamically change based on current procedure. For example you could create a snippet containing:
Const ksProc = "%proc%"
On Error GoTo %proc%Err
' Put code here.
' Put normal exit code here.
' Put error handling code here, for example
Msgbox "An Error occurred in " & ksProc
If you asked Snippet to paste this snippet into a Form_Load event, you would get:
Const ksProc = "Form_Load"
On Error GoTo Form_LoadErr
' Put code here.
' Put normal exit code here.
' Put error handling code here, for example
Msgbox "An Error occurred in " & ksProc
A sample of Snippet's main window