Welcome to page 8

Things that are round often catch attention just because they are a little different.� Using a circle cutter ($9 to $45) you can cut - with a little practice - some nice rounds - these are about 2".

These were finished with lead came and a hanger soldered to the top. Thin ribbon makes for an easy hanger and comes in an assortment of colors and a reasonable price too.

These designs were put on using photo resist from Rayzist.� See my instructional page under "resists" for more information on the specifics.

Pretty soon you get to looking for designs where ever you go...and with a graphics program you can make many of your own original art pieces.

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Speaking of rounds, here is piece (design look familiar?) that is about 8" across.� It sits in my office in a stand like the one on page 7.

This piece is carved in stages.� The light edges around the flowers are created by carving deeper into the glass than designs in the background.� It makes for great contrast and the light really picks up the difference in depth and displays it nicely.

The edges have been sanded using a 1" belt sander with very grit.� Amazingly, it works well.� If you see the glass start to glow as you sand, give it a rest or move more quickly as it may shatter due to the difference in temperature across the surface of the glass.� You may want to do the edges before the carving - just in case you have an oops!

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