Painting Gallery


These Paintings are 3 seperate canvases hung on the wall, they belong to Paul and Kathy Bischof.

They are Acrylic on raw canvas, wood frames, and use approxamatly 8 feet of wall space to display.

 Red Lady

Red Lady is a monochromatic painting. It is really only one color!

I used the red of her dress and with the addition of black or white changed the value of the color.

This painting is owned by Christina Jones and is 22 x 34 inches,

The model is named Charlotte.


This Work is 3 masonite panels aligned and "drip painted" after the initial

gridwork was done. An ode if you will to Jackson Pollack and Richard Wilson.

This painting belongs to Jill Peterson.

 The 3 Shasta's

This Painting of the 3 Shasta's is 47 1/4" x 31 3/8" an odd size but one that fills the serving window of the

wet-bar in my Parents home where my Darkroom and the Painting resides.


 Photography , Graphics
