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By Continuing you consent that you are at least the age of
21 and not offened by the alternative lifestyle
Please keep in mind that D/s lifestyle is a personal choice and beliefs.
There are many types of D/s:BSDM that there is no right or wrong. This
page was created from my point of view and I am very open to hearing any
points you see differently, and I encourage it. Sometimes I am not the
best at putting things in words. The key to D/s is The Master and
charge decide what is right for them.
The Master has the duty in life to lead his charge in this lifestyle,
to love and to honor her (there are also male submissives, I use female
as it pertains to me) and to never harm her in any manner and most of all
to protect her. The charge has the responsibility to serve and to honor
her Master.
How each relationship is lived is between; the Master and
the charge. This lifestyle is a matter of choice, the charge chooses to
serve and whom she will serve. It is totally her choice to serve, therefore
the term Slave is not correct one, as a slave has no choice. She may choose
to act as her Master's slave, but again that is her choice.
The charge is free to ask for her release at any given time she chooses.
As is the Master free to release her if he chooses to do so.