Main page | Price | Map | Pool | Teachers | Accommodation | Countryside

1 week2 weeks
1 person per room3000 ff per person5600 ff per person
2 persons per room2700 ff per person5000 ff per person
ff stands for French Francs [exchange rate or currency convertor]

In case you bring your own tent or caravan the figure changes to 2200 ff per person per week or 350 ff per person per day.

In the period without tuition the rates drop 200 ff per person per week.

Full board includes apart from continental breakfast, morning-break coffee, light lunch, tea break and home cooked dinner with regional wine - towels and bedlinen.

lunch dinner


Address of restaurant nearby where typical simple but tasteful dishes are served

village square

Aquarelle by Carla

Easels can be supplied if necessary but we advice you to bring your own equipment like pencils, paint and paper etc. house sketch

Bob and Carla Schaap
Château Pourpry
81220 Damiatte - Tarn
Telephone/fax: 33 563 707176