12-20-98 - Nicky has her own domain now, so the Chambers has a shiny new
home at Sugarskull.com! Hopefully I'll actually get around to some real updating one of
these days!
6-17-98 - Here's a bit'o'icing for the cake...how 'bout a little multimedia to
go with your still screen captures? Check out the Frollo gallery to pick up an .avi
movie featuring Our Man! My space is limited, so there will only be one at any
given time available to download...which means I will be making new ones and
rotating them through! These are a bit big (4 megabytes and (likely) up), so have
patience if you're on a slow connection (tip: download while you're sleeping!).
Have fun!
5-15-98 - The Chambers has moved up a block or two in the FortuneCity
Victorian neighborhood to 279 Church Street...I thought the new address was a
bit more appropriate to the site's subject matter.  Oh, and yes...there's NEW
artwork on display...this one is, oh, just a TAD less serious than my first piece. ;)
5-13-98 - Some of my favorite links added!
5-7-98 - I gotcher screen captures right here, buster! Mail me with requests!
Knock yerself out, peoples.
4-3-98 - The place is a bit more organized-looking now, and with a new font
color scheme, too. That's 'bout it for now.
4-1-98 - Just some general re-arranging of stuff (will happen often :), new art,
added a "Clue" page for the unsuspecting websurfer who drops in by chance, plus
a new one-chapter piece of fanfiction: the required rewrite of the ending of Hunchback
to something a bit more...palatable to the Frollo Enthusiast. Have fun!
3-27-98 - The site is born! There's a pretty big echo in here right now, but
expect original artwork soon, more fanfiction a bit later and who knows what other
craziness only from the Mind of Mephista! The Chambers will always be a work in
progress, so please bookmark and visit again! Oh, and please, sign the guestbook
...I wanna know you visited!