Lee Ann Wirebaugh, Indepdent Designer
Business Opportunity
Home & Garden Party is a home based business that uses the "party plan" approach to marketing their home decorating products. The products are designed to make your house a home! HGP is offering families all over the USA the opportunity to achieve financial security. Best of all they are offering the opportunity to achieve your dreams!
There are lots of great
reasons to join
Home & Garden Party!
Here are just a few....
Be Your Own Boss!
If you wish, you can continue your present job and add monthly income to secure your financial future.
Small Investment To Get Started!
Home & Garden Party has an initial startup
cost of just $150, which includes a sample kit
with over $300 at retail of products and sales
aids. In addition, they offer a guaranteed
one-year buy-back option if you leave the
No Inventory!
Your order is based on home party sales.
No Delivery!
Orders are shipped to the hostess.
Minimum Paperwork!
If you choose, you can use your personal
computer to enter orders, look up ship dates,
review your downline, etc.
You can use their toll free automated phone
system to place orders, review inventory status,
check ship dates, hear current specials,
review your downline, etc.
Even more great
reasons to join!
Generous Earnings For Designers!
Earn 30-40% personal commission, plus
override commissions, sponsor bonuses
and possible infinity bonuses.
Generous Hostess Plan!
Fall all parties over $100, hostesses
receive 20% in FREE MERCHANDISE,
as well as $15 in merchandise for each
party booking. Additionally, the hostess
can choose one item for half-price for
every $100 in customer sales.
Generous Incentives!
Designers are showered with trips,
prizes, awards and recognition for
doing a good job.
Ground Floor Opportunity!
The chance to get started with Home & Garden
Party in its early years is a remarkable advantage.
No Quotas and No Territories For Selling or Sponsoring!
You decide when, where and how much you work. Minimum quota levels must be achieved in order to receive overrides, sponsor bonuses and infinity bonus payments.
I am committed to helping you succeed! I have a private online group for training and recognition. It has a private chat room and files section to keep everyone up to date of what is new with Home & Garden Party!
Are you ready to get started with
Home & Garden Party?
Just contact us!
We will get you all the information you need and answer all of your questions!
If you would like more information just fill out the form below.
This site was created and is maintained by Lee Ann Wirebaugh