Jess Attempts Poetry

For all y'all wondering, that guy falling in the background is Magritte. I swiped the background off some Magritte site somewhere, cause it was so nifty. If anyone likes him a lot, said person is quite wise. For a cool Magritte site, click here. Oodles of his works. For those not in the know, he's a Belgian surrealist. You'll see stuff he did in the future, on my page.

Well, I've been intending to do this for quite a while, so I guess I should start doing it finally.

I'm not exactly the reigning queen of html, so excuse the lack of shimmering beauty which is consistently present in all that I create. However, the focus of that which I do will be to express myself in a writen manner, not a visual one. Therefore, I only have one chance at failure. Anywho.

I don't know exactly how to go about making this pretty, so it'll be pretty basic right now. I've made a page over at Angelfire ( the rival), and it's more developed than this one is, pretty much. I think it's basic editor (for compumorons like me) is somewhat less basic, so I'm doing that one in the basic editor, while this one is pure html. Watch out world.

Anyways. (Yeah, that's one of my favorite words...) Well, I've decided that giving poem titles and descriptions is a lot easier than torturing you poor souls with pages upon pages of poetry, so click below on the titles for the poem itself.

And be forewarned: a lot of my titles are more creative or just plain better than the poem which follows it. It's the way of the world.

Here are some:

Epistemology in 250 Words or Less

Morality in 12 Items or Less.

Divine Logic

Applying Foundation



Really Tired

Single Again




Abstracting Concrete

Some Old Ones, All Compiled into One.

That's all I've dug up for now. There are more, and these aren't really my faves, just the ones I've found.

I also write short stories and such. For a listing, go to this page: this page.

Also, I'm working on a new page, dealing with daily musing type dealies.


I am going to actually use that one to work on my design things. Although I write a lot, my appearance sucks. I know it's superficial, but if one isn't relatively flashy in today's society, there is no chance in hell that anyone is going to pay a second's worth of attention to you.

That's basically it for now. Oh yeah, email me, please, with critiques or comments.