Comunitat Israelita de Mallorca
Comunitat Israelita de Mallorca
POBox 389 - 07080 Ciutat de Mallorca
Synagogue: Monsenyor Palmer, 3 -Ciutat de Mallorca
Tel: (34) 971 . 28 37 29
-Kabalat Shabat: every friday at 7 pm.
-Shabat morning service: every first saturday of the Hebrew month at 10 am. Additional morning services depending on minyan. Support it!
-Services for all the Jewish festivals. Consult time table.
-All services are conducted in Hebrew, with Divrei Torah in English and Spanish.
Other activities:
-Sunday morning: children Talmud Torah, preparation for bat/bar mitsvah, Hebrew courses for adults.
-Bridge, every Wednesday at 5 pm.
-Consult timetable for other social and educational activities. -"Newsletter", our Synagogues' bulletin. Soon available on line!
A short chronology of the history of Mallorca Jewish comunity.
Many thanks for your support!