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All day long...   |   All I am...   |   All unto my God   |   Always   |   Ask Me   |   But for love...   |   By the Spirit   |   Coco-Butter   |   Contently   |   Do know   |   For look here He comes...   |   For Thy Name's sake   |   From deep within me   |   Glory unto God   |   God's desire   |   How Spectacular   |   I love You Lord...   |   If you hear...   |   I give you   |   I give you a flower   |   I have a love song...   |   In a way   |   Into Flight   |   I see you searching   |   I show you my love   |   Is it of Jesus   |   Is there one...?   |   Keep upon Me   |   Meanwhile   |   My insides are shaking   |   My Husband   |   Oh my Lord...   |   Oh man of preciousness   |   One time   |   Over your life.   |   Perfect...?   |   Please give me   |   Quite another kind   |   Save Lord...!   |   Songs of peace   |   Sooner or later...   |   Sweet as the dew upon a Lilly   |   The Blood of the Lam   |   There's a God   |   The way of GO   |   'till   |   Today   |   Two thousand years   |   Unto God   |   Who will be the one...?   |   Wish...   |   Yes in You   |   You   |   Your desires   |   Your Mercy
Tomorrow will give you nothing My son...
Tomorrow you may be dead.
Today though.. may give you Jesus...
If only you could turn your head..!

Turning away from your sins.. My son...
Is the only way ahead.
Today.. when you hear Me... come take My hand...
Don't you know your life is dead..?

I love you more than words can tell...
Jesus loved you unto death.
Today.. My hand is still stretched out to you...
Tomorrow may lead to death.