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All day long...   |   All I am...   |   All unto my God   |   Always   |   Ask Me   |   But for love...   |   By the Spirit   |   Coco-Butter   |   Contently   |   Do know   |   For look here He comes...   |   For Thy Name's sake   |   From deep within me   |   Glory unto God   |   God's desire   |   How Spectacular   |   I love You Lord...   |   If you hear...   |   I give you   |   I give you a flower   |   I have a love song...   |   In a way   |   Into Flight   |   I see you searching   |   I show you my love   |   Is it of Jesus   |   Is there one...?   |   Keep upon Me   |   Meanwhile   |   My insides are shaking   |   My Husband   |   Oh my Lord...   |   Oh man of preciousness   |   One time   |   Over your life.   |   Perfect...?   |   Please give me   |   Quite another kind   |   Save Lord...!   |   Songs of peace   |   Sooner or later...   |   Sweet as the dew upon a Lilly   |   The Blood of the Lam   |   There's a God   |   The way of GO   |   'till   |   Today   |   Two thousand years   |   Unto God   |   Who will be the one...?   |   Wish...   |   Yes in You   |   You   |   Your desires   |   Your Mercy
My insides are shaking
My insides are shaking

My insides are shaking, my life feels a mess
I am so afraid my Lord
The wilderness enclosing, the roaring of beasts
The smell and the shadows of death

Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth
My eyes I fix on Thee
My feet, though in the gates of hell
My voice might still reach... to Thee

I call on You at the top of my voice
My eyes are burning with tears
Pluck me out of the lion's mouth
And rid me... from all my fears