Herman Littleton SelbySallie  Montgomery Selby

Orville Lee (Buster) HelmEvelyn Faye Selby

Leslie Helm

l i n k s
Sam Hocker

Thomas Helm Hocker
David Hocker
Mary Margaret Hocker
Leslie Helm
  • Born: 1-18-1944, Memphis, Texas
  • Married to Sam Hocker

    Leslie Helm Hocker
    January 18, 1944; Memphis, Texas.

    Named after the actress - Leslie Caron.

    Grew up in Memphis and graduated from Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas.
    Major - Elementary Education; Minor - Music. Her memories include:

    * Evelyn going into the men's restroom at a filling station near
    Amarillo and shrieking

    * cruising in Okemah (only it was actually called "dragging Main")

    * playing/fighting with MM, Bob, and Larry

    * sugar and butter sandwiches in the middle of the night with Mary
    Margaret in Mary Jane's kitchen

    * Larry appearing on the front porch in his underwear as she came in from
    dates (no big whoop, now, Larry, but then it was outrageous!)

    Leslie met Sam Hocker through mutual friends and they were married September
    1975 at St. Michael's Chapel in Dallas. Sam is in commercial real estate.

    Sally, Leslie says when you're in Dallas, call, and she'll scratch your

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