Herman Littleton SelbySallie  Montgomery Selby

John J. DuttonLazine Selby

George Martin Dutton

l i n k s

Shirley Dutton
George Martin Dutton
  • Born: 9-19-1934, Pryor, Oklahoma
  • Married to Phyllis

    George Martin Dutton
    September 19, 1934 - Pryor, Oklahoma.
    Named for his great-grandfather.

    George attended the New Mexico Military Institute. He and his wife, Phyllis,
    married on February 25, 1978 in Omaha, Nebraska. Phyllis is an R.N. They have
    6 grandchildren - 5 boys and 1 girl.

    George's memories include:

    * visiting Grandad Selby at the Boot Shop and eating banana nut ice cream
    at the drug store next door

    * early morning visits with Grandmother Selby in Okemah

    * hunting with his dad, and his mom's cooking

    * playing basketball, swimming in ponds, fishing, and camping in the
    mountains with cousins and the horses he owned.

    Lazine says when George would do something he shouldn't have, he would come
    in the front door and immediately give himself a lecture. When he got
    through, there wasn't anything else to say (i.e., skipping school and
    hitchhiking to Oklahoma).

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