the Gypsy Dom's


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i can just hear you,
saying to yourself, "oh no...
NOT another bdsm & D/s philosophy...."

but, stick around....
YOU'LL relate..

Albert Einstein, who was basically
of German jewish heritage,
PROVED mathematically
that it is MORE than
"statistically possible"

of COURSE, this leads to the
unmistable conclusion that
other universes, parallel or alternate
MOST PROBABLY exist......

Naturally, this would explain
many "paranormal" experiences,
"intuitions", "dreams", ghosts,
Angels, devils, demons,

and yes.....

even provide a "Scientifically
plausible argument"
for the existence of God

it is written that God
existed prior to, and, therefore,

including "TIME", itself


now... blame it on our roots....
but the vast majority of the
Gypsy ancestory and heritage,
tends to believe in the
of the Bible....

the ONLY truly
unseen God, who actually
ever sacrificed HIMSELF...

in fact, there is a legend
concerning ONE certain Gypsy
Caravan male....

he just happened to be in Jerusalem,
AS they were preparing to
crucify our Lord, Jesus Christ....
one of his main wagons had
broken down..

they were preparing 4 nails
to be used in the crucifiction of
Jesus.... but, in order to fix his
wagon, the gypsy needed a nail.......

in return for saving Jesus
the strain of having one MORE
nail pounded into Him,
gypsy people were ever after
granted the privilege to steal.....

so... read on.... and let me
steal your heart


now, if it IS true that
there are other dimensions
and/or other universes
existing in the same "space"
as our own, then it gives credence
to the possible existence of other
"beings" who live "among us"
and offers scientific plausibility
to the argument for the validity
of what the Scriptures say, namely,
that "we are surrounded by a mighty
cloud of witnesses"

SOME of these "witnesses"
would, then, be "good"
while OTHERS, may be "bad"

"good" meaning that they
truly have our best interests
at heart....

"bad" meaning the opposite,
or, precisely, that they do NOT
have OUR best interests
as their primary motivation....

now.... if you've stuck with me
this far, i'm absolutely SURE
that you have wondered WHY
all of this is in a
"bdsm & D/s PHILOSOPHY"
page.... and i'm
quite sure that you MAY
have jumped to some WRONG

so.. please... read on........

first of all....
my entire MOTIVE for
beginning with this
"metaphysical discussion"
is to lay a sound platform
upon which to make the statement
that what we DO.. DOES matter....
and it MAY be
watched by more
"people" than we think.......

second of all....
you must BE open-minded
to those "unseen things" in life
in order to break down your
inhibitions enough to truly
ENJOY the bdsm and/or D/s lifestyles,


i do NOT believe that the intent
of "certain passages of Holy Scripture"
is to MAKE
anyone the actual
POLITICAL SLAVE of anyone else....

not in a country....
not in a marriage...

now, what we do, as "consenting adults"
in a consentual "scene" doesn't apply
in this context, because it is a
temporary FANTASY that we have
agreed to fulfill FOR each other.....

but, living as a slave, 24/7, ain't
a lifestyle that many people
TRULY DESIRE, after having
actually experienced it for
any length of time....

if I desire to "improve my lot"
in life.... then are there NOT
certain "things" that i have to
"acquire" in my "personal inventory"?

must i NOT use wisdom,
in conducting my affairs?
will i NOT be treated as a fool,
if i DON'T ????

in just this ONE area....
will my life NOT be made
more difficult if i conduct myself
with anything BUT

now, I believe, as i'm SURE
you can see from the above,
that, as a human being,
i am SURROUNDED by more
wisdom" than ANY one person
could POSSIBLY amass, nor "contain"

as a Gyspy,
i am more "in-tune" and
"receptive" TO that wisdom,
more humble in accepting it,
and more OPEN as to
it truly comes from....

it is written, that if you LACK wisdom,
you must only ASK God Almighty
FOR it....
(and, believe me, i need ALL the help
i can GET in this area, just as each
of ALL of us do.... no?)

it is ALSO written, that
"NO one comes to the Father,
but through ME....", being attributed
to Jesus Christ, Himself, which
TELLS us WHO to ask....

FURTHERMORE, it is written,
"that all things, WHATSOEVER you
ask, believing, YE SHALL RECEIVE...."

now, WHO among us, does NOT wish
to "improve their life" ??

certainly, no one wants their life to get

so... if I want MY life to improve....
would i NOT want my LOVER'S life
to improve?

would i NOT want my NEIGHBOR'S
life to improve?

would i NOT want my Neighbor's
WIFE'S life to improve?


would i NOT want my sub's life
to improve?

why would i care to walk down
the street, and be seen with someone
who was MISERABLE to be with me?

would this NOT lower my OWN
"impression" upon ALL those
people (and unkown "beings")
around me?

is this not foolish....?

now... don't get me wrong.....

i FIRMLY believe in being a STRONG
and FORTHRIGHT man....

however, i believe that TOO many
people confuse a mean spirited
and emotionally violent man
FOR a "strong, powerfully
forceful" man

i am strong
but i am not mean

pain, to me, is only a tool
it can be MIS-USED
it can be used PROPERLY,
to enhance pleasure,
and to act as a "warning sign"
to prevent DAMAGE....

using my "powers" (God-given)
i can TRULY "see into your soul"
and use the physical to soothe
or excite....

if i please my lover,
AND/OR a sexual partner,
to the point of "pleasure overload"
on a regular basis, and she
AS a lover / sexual partner,
and is SATIATED in pleasures,
beyond ANYTHING she ever thought
possible.... have i NOT
her respect, trust, loyalty and admiration?

why would any SANE person
return such treatment with anything less?

yet... some do......

spiritually, we are ALL
bruised, injured, mamed and slain
to the point of BEING the
"walking dead"

many of us have suffered unimaginably,
if only from our OWN points of view....

the occasional outburst of
"playful sassy teasing"
HAS to be recognized as the
plea for excitement and attention
that it is, and responded to accordingly....

however, if my lover or sub has
a LEGITIMATE concern or criticism,
which would "lower me" MORE
in the eyes of ALL those around me....

to listen and consider the validity
of what she is saying, in a sincere manner?

or to blindly ignore her,
stubbornly maintaining my
authority OVER her, merely because
she ALLOWS it.....?

which would be MORE conducive to
the successful, positive GROWTH
of us BOTH, and our relationship?

respect means NOTHING
if it is not EARNED, no?

TRUST will NOT last,
where your partner's VIEW
of you has been TAINTED
by TOO many of your OWN,
PERSONAL failures.... how can it?

now, yes.... there ARE those
AMONG us, who believe that they
HAVE to be punished for their
extreme pleasure and interest
in sex.....

that can be accomodated, as LONG
as BOTH partners realize that
it is TRULY only another
"method" of carrying on a
a sexual fantasy....

will be affected, no?

and, if SPIRITUAL growth
is diminished, can the relationship
be permanent?

can the relationship be
AS pleasurable as it COULD be?

why build a relationship
TOWARD a negative direction?
unless YOUR "kink" IS to
watch your relationship
but, then.. THAT can be
"scened" out, too

while i firmly believe that
it is INHERENT in the male genes
to be "in charge"
i do NOT believe that
i am "Greater" than my lover
or sub....

for, while we ARE different....
we are STILL equal....

and THIS is born out by Scripture, too....

"there are no males, nor females,
nor jews nor greeks, in the eyes
of God"....

and, besides the fact
that "what goes around....
"also COMES around.....

i WILL have to answer
to a third party
for what i do TO you.....

let my only sin be

after all, we have ALL erred...
and fallen short of
the Glory of God........

>N, Weg<

Rob, your Gypsy Dom Lover....

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