Making Money using the Internet
Including: Online Auctions for your gemstones, pay to surf, pay to e-mail, Accepting credit cards


First of all ebay.gif (2414 bytes) has been a wonderful tool for me in terms of selling my gemstones.  I'm not into cutting gemstones strictly for the money so I am not as locked in to what I need to get for a gemstone.  I can buy a piece of Rough for $200, cut it in half, and only cut one half into gemstones.  I will sell them for the price I paid for the rough and then I can cut the other half and either sell it for profit or keep it for my collection.  I really am not losing anything, and I will not think about things in the terms of "how much an hour have I made on this stone?".  I don't do this for a living.   It is also experience that I am getting...what is it going to be like dealing with jewelry customers, what do people expect, what are people really looking for.  This is all information that can gained by experience.

I would like to be a full time lapidary someday, and I very much want to get into competition.  I am learning how to make jewelry from scratch, as I see there being more opportunity in completed jewelry.  Being out there on Ebay might not make you rich, but it will help you get better known and at least with your foot in the door.

If I have any auctions running, you can see them by clicking here.

And for those that don't agree with me...tell me by e-mail at: [email protected].

I am being paid to Surf the net, listen to music, read e-mail, and watch advertisements!
I'm also doing my banking by the internet, receiving credit card payment for my auctions over the internet, doing my investing online, and buying mutual funds online.

In following the Ebay train of thought, I now can take credit cards over the internet using Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!.  This is an excellent company that has a very well set up system.  Just for signing up with an account, they give you $10.   You can move money in and out of PayPal directly into your bank account, by a check made out to you, or by credit charge. 

One of the things that I have been playing around with are several 'be Paid to surf' and 'be Paid to read E-mail' things.  At first I thought that these were all just a joke.  Then I started getting an average of a $20 check a week from a different program.  An extra $20 a week is a free lot of sapphire a month, nothing any of us would turn our noses up at.  Check these sites out!!!!!

alladvantage.gif (13866 bytes)    desktopdollars.gif (5046 bytes)    pblogo.jpg (4239 bytes)   rfc.jpg (22434 bytes) 

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