in the middle of a small, wooden stage
a female body is stretched and twisted
into a compelling form.
posed on old sofa cushions draped with
paint-stained fabric,
her body is outlined with tape like a
policemans chalk line.
spotlights hot and white fall over and around
her form creating shapes and shadows which
describe the space her body takes on the stage.
a dozen artists cluster around the stage at
varying angles painting in dabs of this color
and that; attempting to recreate her form on
the stage on canvas.
a teacher goes from easel to easel, commenting and
correcting, trying (the operative word) to teach
them ART.
the model, twisted on the stage, is completely still,
or rather, her body lies perfectly motionless while
her mind churns.
while she appears to be made of stone, her mind
is a bevy of action, writing a poem, planning
the future and performing self-therapy.
she is like a duck on the water -
smooth and serene up above and
paddling like mad underneath
just to stay afloat.