Shdospk1.gif (61227 bytes) Ignorance and fear create the mute silence and the deaf ears upon which it falls. Eyes shut tight, with blinders at what before them is cast upon the wall, an etched figure of woven sunbeams regarded as the absence of light. The figure is a twine assembled of the light rays, a kindred to the sun for without one another they couldn’t exist. The figure is the shadow, and their lips are sewn shut by a society that chooses to denouce their very existence.

Working teeth against the stitch, one by one the bindings pop. The shadow first speaks tone through the mesh. Tone mixes with words to create voice and voice rises as an entity to its own. This is the Art. The Art which can give face to the absence of light. The Art that can give recognition to the blind spot on the societal camera. The Art paints a voice refusing silence. A shadow’s voice. A ShadowSpeak ...

ShadowSpeak is title of a ‘zine with a mission. All too often society ignores runaway and homeless youth making it seem as though they are almost invisible. But they are not; they exist; they have a voice and, now, they have a place to use it. We want your stories, poems, pictures, photos and tags. We want you to give the "shadows" a voice and bring them into the light. Send your submissions to:


Aunt Martha’s Oak Forest Office

Attn: josh gryniewicz, ed.

15020 Cicero AV.

Oak Forest IL 60452

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Your comments are appreciated. Eugene R. Gryniewicz