and---A Little More
"Hey, Georgie !! "
I am going to put a lot of Cultural viewpoints and beliefs about the World out here in the next couple of pages. That these things are necessary in my own Life is a fact of it-- and that they may NOT be a necessity in your own Life, is a fact as well. The first of those will be concerned with World-view.
World is that of Aborigonal America. In it, there is no "Supernatural" or
"para-normal" phenomina. All of the things and types of events which have come
to be associated with the supernatural or para-normal, such as Animal Communications, are
only aspects of the Natural World. My World is one which encompasses not only the
realm of the Visible--the Tangible Universe--but the Invisible Universe of interacting
Forces and Energies, as well. Our Cosmos, and the Possibilities which reside within
it, are limited only by the abilities of the Mind to Comprehend, and the span of the
Lifetime of an individual to experience.
Ours is a Universe without Borders or Limits, and one which transcends Time and Demension.
Yet, our Cosmos, though Limitless, is an Ordered one, governed by Seven Natural Laws.
There are some certainties in life, and two of this certainties are,
the existence of the power in the universe that my People call "Mystery", and
the existence of Natural Law. These Laws, though you will not find them in print anywhere
but here, are no "secret". Anyone willing to look can see these Laws in action,
but not within the concrete canyons of the City, or along the Interstate. To see these
requires some effort and some time spent in the remote places - and alone- without the
distractions of modernism. I can sit at this keyboard and speak to you forever of these
Laws, and other things that Native Peoples know , and you will make a choice as to whether
to believe it as the truth, or not. Personally, I had rather you spend the Time necessary
to see for yourself, and make them yours through the insertion of your own effort. As I
said earlier on, the viewpoints expressed here are those of a single individual Indian
speaking of the Things found along his own Path through life. They are a part of my
Reality, and a part of my personal Relationship with Mystery and All-Things.
The Seven Natural Laws
The Law of Cycles
Literally all of life is ruled by Cycles. It is a matter of 8th year
science that Plants utilize the waste Carbon Dioxide exhaled by animal life and return
Oxygen to the atmosphere. We even call that the Oxygen Cycle. Scientific, yes, but that is
neither taught, nor looked upon, as a part, or an example, of a much larger and more
complex system that involves All-Things, whether animate or inanimate, from the smallest
constituent of matter, to the Black Hole. Though this Law, as all others, is inescapable,
Modernism has, for the most part, robbed us of our aware participation in this Law.
For instance, our view of Death.
Death ? Yes ! Undeniably, we are alive because something else has died,
be it another animal or a plant. For the most part, modernism has also separated us from a
knowledge of Death to the extent that we fail to view it as a part of the Cycle of Life. A
Mystery ? Yes, but one that a Traditionalist faces, and understands, every day. An
acceptance of Death is an acceptance of Life, as well, and an understanding of why Native
People all over the World take the time to speak to the Spirits of those plants and
animals who have sacrificed their Lives so that we might Live.
The Law of Individuality
Have you ever seen any two things, in Nature, that are alike ? Any two
Oaks, Deer, Hawks--or, for that matter, Rocks ? Even leaves on the same Tree ? Even if you
think so, look more closely. There are no two things alike; even " identical"
Twins. We categorize Animals and Plants with similar physical characteristics into
families and species, but individuals within the species differ, and, many times, greatly.
However, there is a great deal more to the Law of Individuality than is apparent on the
surface. Put simply, All-Things are different, and that is where this law becomes very
important and complex.
That All-Things are Individual means that All-Things are Unique. It is
a widely held belief among native people world-wide that Mystery, or "The
Creator" created All-Things, and is within All-Things. The Concept is a simple one to
see and to grasp. For example, suppose that you wanted to give a friend a Gift-- a pair of
Moccasins. You have a choice as to whether to buy them , or to make them. If you choose to
buy them, then you have given your friend a pair of moccasins. If you have made them ,
then you have given your friend a piece of yourself. The same is true of The Creator.
That You are Unique among Human Beings means more than just looks, it
also means Perceptions. You see and assimilate and think uniquely, and apply knowledge
uniquely as well. This also means that everything about you and your interaction with Life
is Important both to yourself and Others. It is important also that your Path and your
Relations with All-Things and Mystery be a unique expression of yourself, and that it be
shared among others, as it is in this way that New Knowledge comes to the People.
The Law of Change
All-Things Change. Change is the driving force of Life, Evolution, and Growth. Change is
Movement, and it means that nothing is static. It is important to realize that Humanity
has the ability to Change the shape of All-Things on the Earth, through the Power of
Choice. There are always Three Choices in any decision-making process, and they are; This,
That, and Choosing not to Choose. {We will discuss Choice as a subject later in this
magazine.} Change means that every day is a different day, and every Now, a different Now,
with all of the potentials and possibilities that life and the universe have to offer.
The Law of Place
It is that every, unique Thing, has a unique Place ,as well. This goes far beyond the
scientific principal that no two masses can occupy the same space at the same time. The
Law of Place introduces us to the Web, and I do not mean this one. As this law affects
Human Beings, it means that your Place in Life, your Place on the Path, and your
particular point of View is Important both to yourself and to the World at large. Nothing
either can -or ever will - occupy your Place, or that of anything else. It defines not
only that you live, but also how and why.
The Law of Twin-ness
This one may be a bit harder to grasp, or maybe not. Everything is Two
Things. This is what my People call the Forked-Tree Teaching. Picture in your mind a Tree
with two forks, each bearing leaves and limbs and twigs. Imagine that the Forks are
Duplicates of each other. Remember that a Duplicate is NOT a Reflection; a reverse image.
Label one of these Forks Physical and the other Spirit, and picture yourself as this Tree.
Remembering that the Forks are Duplicates and not mirror images, tell me which one of the
forks is you. The fact is that Both are. You posses both a Body( the physical fork) and a
Spirit( the Spirit fork). The Forked Tree is both an Ideal and a Fact. Everything is Two
Things, but those two things stem from the same Trunk, so that the two things are One
Thing-- separate, but really together. The Idea here is that without the labels, you do
not know which is which. The most important thing about this {at least to me} is that the
Forked Tree teaches that all acts are Spiritual Acts, regardless. When the Spirit Acts so
does the Body, and vice aversa. It means that care must be taken in the actions of Living,
with a constant awareness of the real ramifications of those actions.
The Law of Interdependence
Serious business, All-Things are Interdependent. As Humans, we depend
on Plants for our breath, and Animals and Plants for our food. Plants are dependent on
Animals for food and breath as well. It goes on and on. We are taught by the modern World
to be "independent", when there is literally no such thing as independence. This
is Circle-Dance. Each Individual Circle dancing together within the Greater Circle of
Life, each moving and touching each other in the Dance of Living, each Relating to the
Other, and each dependent upon the Earth and Each Other for Life and Living. This is the
True meaning and reason for Dance at Pow-Wow; why the Dance Arena is Circular. It is the
essence of Pow-wow to present, in microcosm, a picture and demonstration of the Greater
Dance of Life. Think about it--All-Things are CONNECTED !!
The Law of Synergy
This is the last, and hardest of the Seven laws to comprehend. There
are two words I have used which are American Indian, " Skan" and
"Orenda". The First is an abbreviated term for the Lakotah phrase" Taku
Shan Ska" , and the second is Iriquoian. The concept presented by these two terms is
one which has dropped from the English Language over Time. I will not say that because
these concept- words are not translatable directly into English that the words for them
never existed in English. It would do all of us well to remember that the English language
evolved from Tribal Tongues. I have no doubt that this concept and the Words existed in
antiquity within the English Language.
Literally Translated " Taku Skan Ska" is " That which
moves in movement", and "Orenda" may be translated as "
presence". Both words allude to the concept of a Force or an essence which authors
movement { life as a verb} and is a permeating Presence within life. Neither of these
terms is a name for a deity. Both Terms connote the presence of " The Web", and
I do not mean a facet of the Internet. The Web is a spiritual manifestation formed by the
interconnection and the ballanced interaction of All- Things. It is the invisible
"energy structure" in which All-Things are suspended. It is the Web woven by
Spider Grandmother. If you can imagine a structure in which an Individual point is
connected to All other Individual points, then you have a good picture of the Web-- it is
exquisitely complex and exquisitely beautiful. The Web is the ultimate manifestation of
Natural Law and the means by which Mystery applies Natural Law Universally.
"Synergy" is the result achieved when Natural Forces interact
in Harmony and Ballance with each other. In Physics, a Balance of Forces produces Stasis.
However, we are not dealing with Physics--we are dealing with Life and the Energies of
Life--which are dynamic forces. When in Ballance, and working in Harmony with each other,
they produce another Energy (Synergy) that did not exist before, but is created as a
result of the Harmony-- and that new Force or Energy is called "Synergy". The
Synergy is always greater than the sum of the forces which interact to produce it, and it
is that Synergistic Force which supplies the Energy necessary for the continuity of the
creative process in the universe.
In Terms of the Equine/Human Relationship-- this marks the difference
between Riding ON a Horse-- and Riding WITH a Horse. Horses live under the auspices and
dictates of Natural Law--as they are Natural Beings and an integral part of their
environment. Humans, however, have chosen to live 'artificially' and
no longer suscribe to the tennants of Natural Law. What our Horses do Naturally we find
difficult for us, and that is mostly because of our artificial lifestyles. To understand
fully the Nature of Horses and further our Relationship with them, we need to understand
the Dynamics of Natural Law and how they relate to us and our Horses . ( THAT is a step
toward fully understanding ourselves, as well.) Our 'first reactions' as Humans, whether
with Horses or not, needs to evolve from Fear and Doubt to Love and Acceptance.
Learn from the domestic Horse that this is his first reaction to you-- Love and
Acceptance. Your Relationship should always be based on Love and not Fear. Only in this
way can your Horse Teach you about himself--and you, in turn, Teach him about you.
Remember, there is nothing more fulfilling in your Relationship with your Horse than
Unity. That Unity is the first Goal and first step in true communications.
Mystery-- a Commentary
We have come to the last of the Seven Natural Laws. It is my hope that
knowing these Laws and thinking about them individually and together will help to
enlighten you to your own power as a Human Being walking your own Path. I have mentioned
Mystery and the Web several times in this writing, and I wanted to explain a little more
about these two things as I see them .
Mystery is not some metaphorical 'god' that sits on a throne in a place
that I can easily separate from my everyday world and life. I walk in the Mystery like a
fish swims in a river. Mystery is everywhere and in everything, even me and you.
With Knowledge comes Responsibility, and I am wholly responsible for my own acts in my own
Life. I breathe Mystery, and I know that, and that I know that is my decipline..
So, what of the Web ? It is through the Connections provided by
the Web that Life-Force travels to and through All-Things. By this means, All-Things are
Related. There is an old Chinese Teaching which states, " When a Stone is cast
into a Still Pool, the Waves reach all Shores". This is a Noble Truth; the same
being True of the Web. Every Act of Living creates 'vibrations' which revebrate throughout
the structure of the Web--ponder this.
Much has been said about "Medicine" and "Guides" or "Animal
Spirits", and how they are acquired. If one were to view the Web as a structure
of Light, then the strands which connect you to your "Medicines" are the
Brightest--and, often, the 'shortest'. As this regards Inter-species Communications,
the brightest, closest, shortest connections are the very ones which you find the easiest
to communicate with. For most of us, these 'short strands' constitute those which connect
us with Domesticated and 'Companion' Animals. That these Species are 'Domesticated'--
meaning that, over time, they have become very closely associated with Humans --has served
to 'shorten' their communications connection with us. In essence, their 'phone line' is
always hot-- and they speak to us all of the time when we are in their presence. Whether
we 'hear' them is another matter-- one of our individual Awareness and how well we
have developed it.
What I have given you, here, is a view-point on what is Possible. It is for us--
you and I-- to Believe in the Possibilities presented to us in Life, and to do so
in a Positive Way; for, if we do not, then nothing ever becomes possible for us !!
Taken properly, there are Keys here for far more than Animal Communications--far more.
Take the time to look, and moreover Feel--- become a bit more vulnerable to the
Force of Life so that you may interact with it, and so, other Life. Speaking for
myself only, I was lucky enough to learn about these things at a very early age. Over Time
and experience, I learned to accept that one can never Love unless one makes
himself/herself vulnerable to Love (as an Energy). That I 'Love' something means that I am
in its Energy--and it in mine-- whether Human or Equine.
I cannot decide the Truths of Living Life for you-- we must all do that
for ourselves. For Your-self --Choose to Choose----.
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