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Deaf Net Chat 
Here on this page, you will find information on acquiring the programs you need to set up your system to enable you to chat with ANYONE on the net. There are many different programs and chat clients available for you to choose from. 

What is IRC? 
IRC (Internet Relay Chat) provides a way of communicating in real time with people from all over the world. It consists of various separate networks (or "nets") of IRC servers, machines that allow users to connect to IRC. The largest nets are EFnet (the original IRC net, often having more than 32,000 people at once), Undernet, and DALnet 

What are the major IRC networks? 



The Undernet is one of the largest and friendliest Internet Relay Chat networks in the world, with an array of servers that spans three continents and links an online community of over 20,000 people. We have 2 channels in this network #Deaf and #Deafchat and both are guarded by the powerful Undernet organization. It is a safe environment especially for people new to the Internet Relay Chat. 



EFnet is the oldest existing IRC (Internet Relay Chat) network. It can trace its history back to the original Internet Relay Chat network. EFnet gets its name (which is a short form of Eris-Free Network) from a idealistic schism that happened back in 1990. EFnet basically is for the experienced, strong gutted, and the adventurous. Even today many unfriendly elements exists on this network. The Deaf community favors this network because it constantly challenges us. We have 6 channels in EFnet and they are #Deaf, #Deafzone, #DeafClub, #DeafUnity, #DeafUniverse and #DeafQuake. The EFnet Deaf community is one of the strongest of the communities in the Internet. 



DALnet began early in 1995 by Dalvenjah FoxFire. It was then that 4 Efnet users first realized that IRC could be safe from the havoc of Efnet. Soon afterwards DALnet had channel and NickServ registration services, with MemoServ to follow soon afterwards. DALnet began to grow quickly during the summer of 1995, both in users and in servers. The Deaf community has 1 channel called #Deaf. It is pretty more stricter than Undernet and less chaotic than Efnet. 


Talkcity is a private IRC network and is being linked with Deaf owned servers. Finally we have the means to demonstrate that we can function just like a regular IRC network. The Deaf community has many channels in this network. They include #Deaf, #Deafzone, #DeafUnity, #DeafUniverse, #Stonedeaf, #Disability-cove, and many others. Theyr'e pretty strict on language and content. It's supposed to be a family oriented network. 

What are the other IRC chat servers populated by Deaf consumers? 

This is a Deaf owned chat server. It is expected to carry #Deafzone and a variety of other Deaf related channels. 

Mining Co Deafness/Hard of Hearing Chatroom 

This is 24 Hour unmoderated chatroom on deafness. You need a Java enabled browser to access this. 

Shortcut to Mining Co Deafness/Hard of Hearing Chatroom 

This is a Deaf owned chat server. You need a Java enabled browser to access this. It has 27 channels. It's one of the safer chat environments for the Deaf community. 

Shortcut to

What are the IRC chat programs or "Clients" as they are called? 

mIRC  One of the most popular chat clients. So easy to use 

Click HERE to get to the mIRC Homepage

Pirch  It's ok Has some buttons here and there. The best part is the news scroller that keeps you posted with latest news info. 

Click HERE to get to the Pirch Homepage

vIRC  Its an easy to use client. 

Click HERE to get to the vIRC Homepage

Xircon  Some experience is required to use this. It has the lag meter that tells you if youre sitting in a server that's running slow. 

Click HERE to get to the Xircon Homepage

Ircle  This is a chat client for the Macintosh operating system. Has some buttons and nothing real fancy. 

Click HERE to get to the Ircle Homepage

PyIrc  A new client under development specially made for the Windows 95 operating system. It is expected to be an extremely bare IRC client and having the real power in the scripting language. This client will use a simple yet powerful object oriented scripting language named Python. 

Click HERE to get to the PyIrc Homepage

Snak  Snak is a new IRC Client for Macintosh. Scriptable and supports mIRC colors. 

Click HERE to get to the Snak Homepage

sirc  An Unix based chat client that is smaller than most clients, and yet has most of their features. Uses perl based scripting. 

Click HERE to get to the sirc Homepage

Other clients such as text based, Unix, and other non-windows operating systems will be added soon 

What are the other internet chat programs "Clients"? 

ICQ  One of the popular chat clients. Easy to use. Know when your friends are online and launch peer to peer applications with them. 

Click HERE to get to the ICQ's Homepage

AOL's Instant Messenger  Something new and maybe cool. 

Click HERE to get to the AOL's Instant Messenger's Homepage

CUSeeMe  This video chat client enables you to have a realtime text conversation and see who youre talking to. You don't really need a video camera for this one unless you want them to see you. 

Click HERE to get to the CUSeeMe's Homepage

Pseudo Chat  A browser plugin that enables live chatting with video capability 

Click HERE to get to the Pseudo Chat Homepage

ichat  Has internet pager that helps you instantly connect with friends and associates anywhere on the Internet. Also has a web browser plugin so you can communicate in real-time over the Internet. 

Click HERE to get to the ichat Homepage

PowWow  PowWow users may chat one on one, or as many as nine users may chat simultaneously. And it all happens in real time. Has voice messaging. PowWow is an integrated solution for creating, maintaining and hosting virtual Communities 

Click HERE to get to the PowWow Homepage

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