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Deaf Consumer Advisory 

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Statement of Purpose 

There is still much confusion among members of the community with hearing disabilities over which Multi Level Marketing (MLM) programs work for people like us. Some are purely fraudulent and others are good models. Starting October 1998, Deaf Watch Newsletter will be in the business of endorsing MLM businesses and encouraging people with hearing disabilities to explore acceptable MLM programs. The establishment of this special program remedies what is seen as great confusion with the Deaf operated multi level marketing businesses in the eyes of the community with hearing disabilities who view them as out of touch with reality, fraudulent, suspicious, and bad examples for people with hearing disabilities. Deaf Watch Newsletter is pleased to be offering guidance to people with hearing disabilities in their quest to be independent and free from the welfare rolls and to help them seek productive lifestyles and to become contributors to society. 

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Reliable Business/MLM Opportunities 

The business links below are reliable income sources for people with hearing disabilities. No buy-in costs, physical products or services, and monthly commission check plans. These businesses are reliable and in most cases you start off with small commission checks and you build up business base over time and you will become self sufficient. PATIENCE PAY$! GOOD LUCK ON YOUR BUSINESS VENTURES!

One-shop location for the best prices in long distance! Free to join and get an instant website! Earn 6%-10% in commission. Send email to [email protected] before signing up PLEASE. 

Cognigen Corporation

That's right, these companies will pay you to surf the internet! �These programs are all free, and you can make money using each one.� Bookmark this�site and check back for updates. 

Get Paid to Surf!

You're an Internet user. Do you realize how valuable you are? Advertisers want to reach you when you're on the Web.'s message window (called the Viewbar�) makes it possible, and we'll pay you to use it. Interested? Become an member now! 

All Advantage

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To Report Fraud 

Sometimes someone finds out you have money problems and tells you he has the answer to your problems. He may ask you to pay a $300 fee and ask you to get 12 more people to join the business and promises you plenty of booty when you do exactly what he says. Sounds too good to be true. Probably is. Every year millions of dollars are lost to bogus businesses and fictional opportuinities. If someone comes to you with a suspicious business opportinuty, play cool with the person and get all the information including home address, telephone, email, and upline contact information. Then report it to each of the agencies linked below. You will have done the community of people with hearing disabilities a great favor by keeping fictional business in check and away from us. 

Federal Trade Commission Online Complaint Form

BBB Dispute Resolution Services

Fight Back! with David Horowitz

NFIC Online Incident Report Form

Home Connections

TFTCR Complaint Department

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Authoritative Anti-Scam Sources

U.S. Postal Inspection Service

The National Security Institute

The Kansas law on Pyramid Schemes

The Canadian Competition Act

National Fraud Information Center

Better Business Bureau Alerts and News

Federal Trade Commission Consumer Alerts

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Links to other Anti-Fraud Resources

This is where we help you do your homework.

Scam Alerts and Information

Fraud and Scam Alerts

Scams on the Net

Scam Alerts

The Con Artist Page

Welcome to The Wonderful World of Scams

Cagey Consumer

Get-Rich-Quick and Self-Employment Schemes

Internet ScamBusters

United States Sentencing Commission on Frauds

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Designed and Maintained by Deaf Watch Newsletter

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