Send Your Elected Representative Email
Some Important Tips
When you write to the lawmakers, be friendly, courteous and don't
make any threats and don't try playing games with them.
Please show your respect to these lawmakers and then ask them to respect
you as a Disabled citizen and you want a favor from them.
Always thank these lawmakers for their time reading your email and
that you look forward to hearing from them.
(Please remember to include your return address or home town, so
the Representative(s)/Senator(s) will know you're a constituent.)
A new web based lobbying software is currently being developed and I will be given the opportunity to assist it's testing to interested people and organizations. Features will include monthly updates via internet as well as a number of excellent features to greatly assist average users become effective lobbyists. It will take quite a bit of a while before the first beta is released. Your patience is appreciated.
Meanwhile, the following links below are excellent sources of congressional and senatorial contact information:
U.S. House Of Representatives
U.S. Senate
Human Rights Campaign's 'Take Action' resource
Thank you for helping us out!
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