Surveys and Questionnaires 

You will find surveys and questionnaires posted by researchers and organizations that need input from the Deaf community on this page. Your time spent on helping these researchers is appreciated. In the long run, information presented to these researchers will provide them a better understanding of the Deaf community. Not all surveys and questionnaires posted here will have something to do with deafness, but, this will give us the opportunity to share our feelings with researchers over any issue. Everyone is encouraged to participate if they can. 

Privacy is assured as you will send your responses directly to the researchers and none of whatever you send to them will ever be posted on this website. 

Dr. Clyde Shideler's Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder questionaire. 

Email Dr. Clyde Shideler

Part 1

Part 2

NEEDED! MORE DEAF MARRIED COUPLES who have either a good relationship or a relationship that is struggling to fill out a variety of questionnaires for a research study. 

Email Cindy L. Greenslade M.A.

Research on Deaf marriages announcement

Deaf Marriage Survey

Lori Hickman and her project related to the experience of parenting a child with challenges/disabilities. 

Email Lori Hickman

Lori Hickman's project

Brian Pruitt, please contact Lori Hickman at [email protected]

Robert G. Brubaker from the department of psychology in Eastern Kentucky University is conducting research on parenting children who are deaf or hard of hearing. Robert G. Brubaker is interested in learning about relationships between children who are deaf or hard of hearing and their parents.  This information is vital to his efforts to develop mental health services tailored to the specific needs of families with deaf or hard of hearing children. 

Email Robert G. Brubaker, Ph.D.

Robert G. Brubaker's project

Attention Researchers 
If you have something that needs the input from the Deaf community. Send it to us and we will post it on this page. Your participation in the quest for a better understanding of the Deaf community is greatly appreciated. 

Email Deaf Watch Newsletter

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