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Deaf Parent Resources 

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News of parents with hearing disabilities being mistakenly seen as unfit parents and their children taken from them continue to circulate throughout our community. Deaf Watch Newsletter maintains a strong position that Deaf people are FIT AS PARENTS provided they have a steady income, access to community resources, and a roof over their heads. Remember that story in Dateline NBC of a crazy mother who decided to exploit her Deaf daughter's family and take their kids from them? Stories like these continue to hit our community hard. We deserve a fair opportunity to bear and raise children. We will not let overzealous child protection agencies dicatate our parenthood. The links on this page is designed to introduce information and resources to Deaf parents so they can have the same opportunity to defend themselves as FIT PARENTS! 

Deaf Quote 

Some hearing parents worry about the Deaf community "taking their children away from them", but I realize now that this happens to Deaf adults with hearing children ALL THE TIME! 
By Kevin McLeod, a deaf parent 

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You have to begin by realizing the level of trouble you are in. Basically youre in BIG trouble. BIG! 

Find an attorney immediately! Not tomorrow or next week. IMMEDIATELY.. NOW! Try to give preference to attorneys that work in a county outside yours. 

Get all your money together. Ask friends/relatives for help. Fighting this WILL BE EXPENSIVE! 

Educate yourself. Study the resources on this page and look for more resources and information about the law and whar youre up against. The best results come from a fully involved and informed parent. 

Start a daily journal from day 1. Document anything that happens relating to your case even strange or weird things that happen to you, your property, your work, or your witnesses. 

Start on a witness list. You will need to start compiling a witness list. The best form I have found is 3 by 5 cards, or in some cases 5 by 7 cards. Include the people's name, addresses, phone information, as well as their employment and a brief biography. And also a brief note on what they can say. Outline form is best. 

Care must be taken with what you tell others. You can lose if you say something and they actually use it against you. 

Notify your Deaf organization. They may know some specialized attorneys you may need to discuss your case. 

Notify Deaf Watch. We can help your lawyer put up a good fight on your behalf. 

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Resource Sites 

Victims Of Child Abuse Laws

Unilateral Foundation For Human Rights

Lifting the Veil

Parents victimized by children's protective services


Loving Families Need Justice

Child Protector Watch


Mothers Against Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy Allegations (M.A.M.A.)

M.A.M.A.'s report your accusers form

Home School Legal Defense Association

Profane Justice

Preble Law Firm CPS Resources

False Memory Syndrome Foundation

Child Protection Reform Organization

Family Rights Organization's National Taskforce

Witchhunt Information Page



Fathers Rights Helpline

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