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Well......... Lord  ?

Today is the day most of us are dreading - report cards!

We ask that You be with us - in our hearts and in our minds - as we face the truth of how we're really doing in our classes!

Please bless those students who work hard, and do well! May we rejoice with them, in their good and successful work!

Please bless those students who work hard, but are disappointed in their results! May they come to know that high marks are not necessarily the only judge of good work, or a job well done!

Bless those students who are not motivated - because of personal and/or family problems. May they reach out for the help they may need! Most of all, may they feel loved and supported by each one of us!

Lord, may we always strive to do our best!

Our best does not necessarily mean High Grades, it just means putting forth our greatest effort and using our God-given gifts and talents!

It means, trusting that God will lead us along the path of His Holy and Divine Will.


prayers from heaven and beyond

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