Resources around the homepage - construction, design, maintenance and promotion

Our goal:
The Resource Center will provide you with a great number of links that are related to construction, maintaining and promoting of homepages. This will be mostly free resources, but not exclusively.
There are good places to buy good things, and some of them will be featured, but marked as such.

Site Navigation

Free Webspace

Most providers of free webspace do not let you publish adult and illegal (eg. warez) stuff, there are some that allow it, we have not listed them. Seek another place for it. The technical possibilities are also different from place to place, so go there and check.
Nearly all providers of free webspace need you to have advertisement or pop-up windows on your pages. Hey, they must pay for the hardware and people that maintain it etc!

If there is anything we should note with a link, or if you want your link removed, or have one to add, please mail us at: [email protected]
Please read the Introduction - if you did not before - important information there!

  • marked Fortunecity - offers now 20 MB free webspace and free webbased e-mail. Guestbooks, counters, homebuilder, Upload by FTP or browser, no pop-up windows. They just moved the servers and are upgrading hardware, great future! Our site is partly as a mirror there. This is an online community with a lot of friendly people caring for each other. If you want to make friends on the net - go there, move in and feel home!

    As this Mirror of the Resource Center resides here at Fortunecity, we do not list other Free webspace providers here - as we are fully content with the service here!

    New: Fortunecity allows Subdirectories! - offer over 40,000 computer hardware and software. Great Price. Best Service.