Spring 95 - Fall 95

The Founding Officers of VSA. Their dedication and commitment in laying the foundations for VSA and constantly building and improving upon them is unsurpassed. With their zeal and initiative, a young and upcoming VSA gradually took full force. The seeds were planted, and VSA finally took its roots in the UH community. Thank you guys for founding such a great organization! From left to right: Myco Nguyen (Secretary), Christine Ho (Treasurer), Nguyen Phan (Publicist), Dan Le (Historian), Vinh Le (President), Michael Dang (Vice President)

Spring 96

The Spring of '96 found the addition of Vicki and Diane as replacements for Myco and Christine who resigned due to other academic obligations. This new class expanded VSA's contacts, reaching out to more organizations and establishing VSA as a strong and viable Asian organization. From left to right: Vinh Le (President), Nguyen Phan (Publicist), Vicki Pham (Treasurer), Diane Tran (Secretary), Dan Le (Historian), Michael Dang (Vice President)

Fall 96 - Spring 97

A lively bunch. This second generation of officers took VSA to new heights by expanding it outwards to the Houston
community. Community service was the forefront of their objectives, resulting in a barrage of service projects, namely
English/Vietnamese tutorials, clothes/food drives for the needy, and volunteering at the VAYO mid-autumn festival.
From left to right: Huy Tran (Sports Coordinator), Krystal Luong (Secretary), Dana Pham (Publicist), Nguyen Phan
(President), Josephine Do (Treasurer), Truc Nguyen (Vice President), Nghia Pham (Historian)

Fall 97 - Spring 98

This third generation crew is comprised of a new wave of faces. From left to right: Sarinya Vachiravranvrak (Vice President), Lucy Tran (Publicist), Phi Nguyen (Sports Coordinator),Sophie Ho (Secretary), Anthony Nguyen (President), Christine Ho (Historian), Steve Tran (Web Coordinator), Krystal Luong (Senior Advisor), Claire Nguyen (Treasurer)

As the millenium approach, VSA looks to these officers to build a foundation for the next millenium. Congradualtion to Marie Dang for being the first female president of this chapter. Upper left to right : Viet Le (Public Relation), Duy Nguyen (Historian), Nghiem Nguyen (Web Master), Phuong Tran (Secretary). Lower left to right: Nancy Dang (Treasurer), Vivien Nguyen (Vice President), Marie Dang (President). Not shown are: Tony Nguyen (Sport Coordinator), Andy Chau (Web master), and Ly Lam (Wen Master).