(Please print this form, fill it out and give it to any of the ECC Officers for further processing)
Due: Open Deadline
Location: United South High School, Academy, #83
School Address:
Grade: GPA:
Position Sought (check all that apply):
Communication Director
Active Member
Recruitment Agent
Events Coordinator
Please print your responses to the questions below or attach written responses if needed. All responses should be a paragraph or two and should be returned to USHS MAGNET #83 or submitted as attachment to executiveboard@unitedpanthers.com
Why are you interested in this position?
What do you believe your responsibilities will be in this position?
What experience, at the USHS or elsewhere, prepares you for the responsibilities of this position?
As a leader, you will have to have the skills not only to work yourself, but also to motivate others. How well do you think you could accomplish this and why?
What other activities or organization will you be involved in this year?
As part of e-Commerce Club, you will need to establish contacts and relationships with members of other organizations, corporate representatives, faculty, and students. Please comment on your inter-personal skills and ability to think on your feet.