The Anime Bar and Grille

Welcome one and all to the only Bar and Grille dedicated to the characters we otaku love the most...anime characters! When browsing along the RAAC archive, I've noticed a series called Anime Hospital and Lemon Sherbert and Lemonade and others that take the characters from anime and put them in real and sometimes shocking situations...with no more intent than to see how they act!

Malicious of them, aint it?

Well, I can do no less. For me, all the characters are actors and these stories are the stage. Laugh, cry, make love, make war. They'll do it all here, just as they would in the real world.

And don't think that that's all...OH NO- there's more to come...

Keep your eyes on this spot in the near future...There are two more episodes in the works as we speak!