


Here is all the information you will need for submitting your site to the web ring. Please read it all! It isn't much to read, and fairly simple, this is just so you can see the qualifications needed to enter. After you have read this, please click on the link at the bottom to proceed with the submission.

  1. WorldWideWelles is for sites dedicated solely to Orson Welles and or his genre in film. However, if your site only has certain pages relating to this subject, then please submit these pages to our Web Ring, and not your entire site. Sites with somewhat Orson related matter will also be considered, but we prefer Welles be the main theme.
  2. To join, merely read this page thoroughly or until you get the gist of what's going on, and then go onto the submissions page.
  3. Please fill out ALL information and try to keep in contact with the ringmaster at least once every month or two. Otherwise, we will have to contact you for updates. Try to visit this site at least once a month to keep up with the news.
  4. I guess that's it for now. Don't Forget: AFTER you have submitted your site to WorldWideWelles, please go to the members area for a briefing as to what is next.

Submit site