Yetinsyny Ring Home Page |
This is the homepage of the Yetinsyny WebRing. This WebRing is meant to link up active subgenii (yetinsyny) on the web. Overmen, Overwomen, and FeMale�s are welcome -- drones, bobbies and pinks should go elsewhere. This ring is intended to create Slack for yetinsyny, by giving easy access to other sites. It won't work if people don't join. But, if you're not into this, then don't join, 'cause that'll only give you FALSE SLACK and we don't want that do we? This WebRing was created by Octobriana Oberwoman (Laura Seabrook), an Aussie Female� yetinsyny in February 1998. Just in time for X-Day! There is no direct or official connection between this ring and the SubGenius Foundation, but that's the case with most Yetinsyny...
Joining the RingYou can use the following form to join your site to the ring. This will then place the site in the queue, awaiting confirmation from the ring manager.
Before you press that button though, read below...
RingCodeOnce you've applied, you will go to a confirmation page showing the default code for your site; you will also be sent an email giving your site details, and a copy of that default code. If you choose to use the default code, you will need to download the graphic that goe with it -- ytdefault.gif. There are variations of the ringcode other than the default, which you can use instead. See the instructions in the Yetinsyny Code Page. You can also put together a your own version the RingCode by playing around with the links found on the NetRing Codes page. Also, if you need to place your ringcode on a page that is accessible via a frame, see the Fixing Frames page for how to do this properly. You should then email the Ring Manager and ask to be reviewed for the ring. Editing Your SiteYou can use the following form to edit details of your site in the ring.