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Sure, this might be shoujo manga, but you won't miss your dose of violence and blood. Itsuki-sensai's art style is detailed and mature, and her strong point in story-telling lies in the intricacy of character personalities and relationships. Of course, the most interesting relationship is the one between the Spirit Channeller (a high school kendo prodigy) and the weak, naive, and much too nice college student. Having been brothers in a past life, they meet by chance again (in this life), and slowly realized that the friendship and interdependence never changed. Although the first is strong and powerful, we slowly see that the latter (damn, I'll go look up their names) has a passive power that is even greater, and this power has nothing to do with magic or the supernatural. In one scene, the college student was comforting the Syaman, and the latter reminded him that once he was nearly killed by this Syaman he calls his friend. But the college student puts his arm around the Syaman's shoulders, and asks if he's hungry. In a state of shock, the Syaman though to himself, "The most frightening people are not the demons (referring to himself). Rather, they are those who hold the hands of a demon, but still possess an ordinary heart."

Yakumo Tatsu, by Natsumi Itsuki





  • Descriptions and translations will be added soon.

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This page was last updated: June 21, 1998