WRITE ON!! is a digest-sized
magazette publishing Poets
from around the world. WRITE
ON!! has grown steadily
since March of 1999. It is now being
published twice
monthly. Submission poetry is to be
emailed to me at:
or sent to the below "snail mail" address.
Effective with the April
issue of WRITE ON!! Poetry Magazette--
There will no longer be a reading fee for
poetry submitted.
New guidelines are that between 1 to a maximum
of 6 poems
may be submitted monthly. Those who
have poetry included
for publication will be notified by email,
at which time they are
to send $4.00 per copy of the magazettes
desired to the below
regular mailing address:
P.O. Box 901 Richfield, Utah 84701 |
All poems submitted must be under 32 lines
in length, and suitable for a
general age audience. If you desire, you
may also send hard copies
of your poetry to the above address. Be
sure to enclose a self-addressed
stamped envelope with your submission. Please
include your city/state/country,
and your real name (preferred), but will
publish under pen-names.
Jim Garman
Jim "Rapid-Fire" Garman