Todd & Lisa Grosse

"We are happy you have taken an interest in Elegance & Beyond. We feel that we should spend this time to tell you a little about ourselves. I married Lisa in 1988, we have 3 boys, and live in the beautiful city of Sandy, Oregon. We have been in the Glamour industry since 1992, where we have seen the way customers had been treated like sheep, the more the merrier. But WHO was merrier? The company doing the portraits, NOT the customer! You would wait for 2 hours just to get make-up done, then another hour for the Photo session, and be rushed through the whole time. BOY that's just how I would like to spend the very little Free time I have in my life! Every company I've ever seen says "Time is Money and Money is Time". Well they forgot ONE thing.....THE CUSTOMERS TIME! and without the CUSTOMERS MONEY they have NO COMPANY. So we give you the time you deserve and most importantly PAID FOR!!! Now you can go to the High Priced Photographers and pay Thousands of $$ and get a little of there time, but we believe that you want More time for less money. And Elegance and Beyond believes that's what we need to provide. Well enough about the concept behind Elegance and Beyond, we have also been setting up a trust to support Senior Portraits for low income families. Growing up, I remember all the kids who came to school with the Professional senior portraits, and I also remember the kids who had to have the School Photographers portraits. They felt ashamed, they wouldn't hand them out to the other students, then when the year book came out, their portraits would make them stand out as lower classed. The sad part is they were the ones that became Valedictorians. So why shouldn't we take the time to congratulate the students that didn't drop-out, the ones that did something with their lives, despite the lack of financial support. It's my passion to make Professional Senior Portraits affordable to every student. There I go again, rambling on and on. Well if you would like to talk to the real me or find out more about Elegance and Beyond, Call or email us. Thanks once again for your interest. Todd.
If you are interested in our services, or just want to say "HI"
Please feel free to e-mail us."
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