Welcome to!

This is a site devoted to the writings of Pope John Paul II, as well as a source of links to materials by the Holy Father on the Web. The writings of Pope John Paul fill many volumes, taking up shelves upon shelves of space in a well-stocked library. I have tried to provide as many of these materials as I can glean from the web, but if you know of more, please email me!

I have produced this site as my term project for a class at the Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology, Berkeley, CA USA. The class was "The Encyclicals of Pope John Paul II", taught by Fr. Luke Buckles, OP. The class was a seminar with 6 students, including a priest, a layman, and 4 Dominican friars.

There was plenty of discussion in the class, and this site reflects some of the issues we mulled over while reading the writings of the Holy Father. I have also included some of my own personal reflections on each document, along with some outlines as provided by the professor.

I will be adding to this site as I have time, and shall try to fill out the site with links to materials that we didn't discuss in class. Please enjoy!

Clerical Student Brother
St. Albert Priory
Oakland, CA USA