The teaching documents of the Catholic Church are most often referred to by their first words in Latin, which is the official language of the Church. This list follows that convention.

The Documents of Pope John Paul's pontificate should really be read beginning with his first Encyclical, Redemptor Hominis. This first document can be used as a lens through which the goals and dreams of his 22-year service to the Universal Church can be viewed.     |     home
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Encyclicals & Teaching Documents
The formal teachings of Pope John Paul II are collected in over 100 volumes published by the Libreria Editrice Vaticana. All of the major documents are available in English translation, but there are several pertinent teachings which have not been translated from the original languages. What follows are links to sub-pages on this site that deal with the 13 documents that we have discussed in the class "The Encyclicals of Pope John Paul II" at the Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology.

Redemptor Hominis - The Redeemer of Mankind
March 4, 1979

Dives in Misericordia - Rich in Mercy
November 30, 1980

Familiaris Consortio - The Role of the Christian Family in the Modern World
November 22, 1981

Redemptoris Mater - Mother of the Redeemer
March 25, 1987

Mulieris Dignitatem - On the Dignity and Vocation of Women
August 15, 1988

Christifideles Laici - On the Lay Members of Christ's Faithful
December 30, 1988

Redemptoris Custos - Guardian of the Redeemer
August 15, 1989

More documents will be added as I finish the reviews.

Updated 21 December 2000