
Untasted Fruit


say something safe for the telephone screeners

she makes you crawl

she makes you feminine

shave them legs...

you're out of control

like the sidewalk patrol?

be careful not to trip,

red lights flashing obscenely

in the background...

say something cute for the stenographers notes

she makes you cringe

she makes you devilish

spread them legs...

Untasted Fruit

With two words,

and many more prepared to follow

you crushed my spirit

I'm his whore, his lover, his friend

and similar experiences are with you

You betrayed me

I know my worth,

us an untasted fruit knows her value lies

merely in decoration

Understanding is my forte,

a foundation to thought,

sought and captured... cheap talents

these may prove to be

At least I'm his something

At least I can say that I am his thoughts,

his heart, his whore

Pennies paid because love wouldn't

suffice as payment, the stakes were lowered

at your cost

Unworthy of your shadow,

yet it resembles me,

for I am dark, empty,

and only the absence of where light is

I give as much as light as does a

fragile lamp

I give only to receive the pleasure of gratitude

from these placid smiling faces.

Remains of scattered you;

At least there is something I can belong to at last