@   E-mail Connections   @
Here is a list of E-mail addresses
for family, friends
and a few other connections.
If you would like to have your E-mail address listed, changed or deleted here
please contact me at:
[email protected]
please include a short description for how you would like to be listed...

"Tilting at windmills hurts you more than the windmills."
from: "The Notebooks of Lazarus Long"  by  Robert Heinlein 
Skellenger Family - near and distant Relatives - Extended Family
Mike Skellenger
[email protected]
[email protected]
Alta Skellenger
Jason Skellenger - my son
 [email protected]
 likes dungeons & dragons
 Dave & Lisa McCabe
Deb & Roger Kardinal - my sister nee: Skellenger
[email protected]
 more than just a baker of cakes
Shaun Kardinal - my nephew
 [email protected]
a Smashing Pumpkin fan
Dan & Megan Lange - my brother
 [email protected]
 Danny boy can now wear badge
Barb & Don Brandt - my Aunt Barb nee: Jolly
 [email protected]
 would like to converse with non-hillbillies
Vaun Skellenger - geneology & crop dusting
 [email protected]
almost as ugly as me...
Dean Skellenger - one of my many cousins
[email protected]
 wanna rent a video?
Fred & Barb Hodgkins - he nemesis (beats me at chess)
[email protected]
 need your piano tuned on Vancouver Island?
 Jim Findley - Aunt Barb's son
[email protected]
an actual resident of KALAMAZOO
"Never try to out stubborn a cat"
from: "The Notebooks of Lazarus Long"  by  Robert Heinlein 
Skellenger Family Friends & Connections
 Barb Gibson - Board Member of POLARIS
 [email protected]
check out her homepage - fun, information, links to organizations concerning disability issues...
 Chris Schim - my "old" college room mate
[email protected]
starting a new life
"Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite."
from: "The Notebooks of Lazarus Long"  by  Robert Heinlein 
useful or fun - suggestions welcome
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"Waking a person unnecessarily should not be considered a capital crime. For a first offense, that is."
from: "The Notebooks of Lazarus Long"  by  Robert Heinlein