
 Rubik's Cube Trauma

Mike Skellenger
copyright © 1996
     This is NOT your usual story about the mental trauma experienced by many of those who have tried to manipulate the infamous Rubik's Cube.

     We have friends who's son Kelly was about one and a half years old when this incident took place. Kelly is a VERY hyperactive child who likes to be without  any clothing whenever and where ever this can occur.

     During one of our extended family get togethers, Kelly exercised this option.  Despite embarrassment from some people at the get together, this soon became unremarkable and people went on with their own discussions and activities.

     Kelly was sitting in a child's chair playing with a Rubik's Cube and obviously enjoying twisting and manipulating the surfaces.

     Suddenly Kelly started crying and saying "Ow, Ow, Ow!".

     While playing with it in his lap he had twisted and caught the foreskin of his penis within the turned edges of the cube. No-one was able to understand his predicament until he stood up and the cube was in view dangling from the foreskin.

     His mom was able to Very Carefully untwist and release him from this entrapment.

     It would be great to tell you that no-one laughed but that would be VERY untrue.  The chuckles and ribald humor were very much a part of the continuing get together.

     I was reminded of this incident today when Kelly was here at our house again and he picked up the Rubik's Cube. He didn't seem to recall anything "dangerous" about it but it should be noted for the record that at least on this occasion, Kelly was wearing clothes.

     Have fun kid!  If you are ever in counselling this record should at least provide a clue to why you might be experiencing any difficulty figuring out how to manipulate that damn cube.

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