Links To Chat Rooms, Meeting Places, Discussions, and Literature

If you want to meet other gays or bisexuals, or read les/bi/gay literature, here are some places to try.

The Bisexuality Forum

Add comments, start and follow discussions, and meet people here. This chat area is about bisexuality, but they don't limit who can talk. (Adult discussions take place, so it's 18 and over only.)

One And Only

This is a meetings board where straights, bisexuals and gays can look for people in their area and announce themselves to others. (It's commercially run, but what the heck.)

Yahoo!: Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Chat

If you want to meet and talk to people online, here's a list of places to try.

Yahoo!: Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Literature

This page has quite a few links for books, discussion and reviews of gay and bisexual material. It might even help you find some.

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Got any questions or comments?
Here's how you can contact me:

[email protected]

Any comments, constructive criticism, or corrections are welcome.
Hate mail and spam will be dealt with ruthlessly. o_-

Morality begins from the neck up, not the waist down.