Appendix 3:The Writer's Ten CommandmentsWhat follows is an excerpt from Stephen Vizinczey's book Truth And Lies In Literature. Vizinczey is a famous Canadian writer, best known for his novels In Praise Of Older Women and An Innocent Millionaire. This first appeared in an issue of the Toronto Globe and Mail newspaper.
I: Thou shalt not drink, smoke or take drugs.
I | Thou shalt not drink, smoke or take drugs. |
II | Thou shalt not have expensive habits. |
At the age of 24, after the defeat of the Hungarian Revolution, I found myself in Canada with about 50 words of English. When it got through to me that I was now a writer without a language, I took an elevator to the top of a high building on Dorchester Street in Montreal, intending to jump. Looking down from the roof, terrified of dying but even more afraid of breaking my spine and spending the rest of my life in a wheelchair, I decided to become an English writer instead. In the end, learning to write in another language was less difficult than writing something good, and I lived on the edge of destitition for six years before I was ready to write In Praise Of Older Women.
I couldn't have done it if I had cared about clothers or cars - indeed, if the only alternative I saw had not been the top of that skyscraper. Some immigrant writers I knew took jobs as waiters or salesmen to save money to create a "financial base" for themselves before trying to make a living by writing; one of them now owns a whole chain of restaurants and is richer than I could ever be, but neither he nor the others returned to writing. You've got to decide what is more important to you: to live well or to write well. Don't torment yourself with contrary ambitions.
III | Thou shalt dram and write and dream and rewrite. |
I never sit down in front of a bare page to invent something. I daydream about my characters, their lives and their struggles, and when a scene has been played out in my imagination and I think I know what my charqacters felt, said and did, I take pen and paper and try to report what I've witnessed.
When I've written and typed my report I read it over and find that not of what I've written is (a) unclear or (b) inexact or (c) ponderous or (d) simply could not be true. Thus the typed draft serves as a kind of critical report on what I imagined, and I go back to dream the whole thing better.
It was this way of working that made me realize, when I was learning English, that my chief problem wasn't the language but, as always, getthing things right in my head.
IV | Thou shalt not be vain. |
I stopped taking myself seriously at the age of 27, and since then I've regarded myself simply as raw material. I use myself the same way an actor uses himself: all my characters - men and women, good and bad - are made up from myself plus observation.
V | Thou shalt not be modest. |
Modesty is an excuse for sloppiness, laziness and self-indulgence; small ambitions evoke small efforts. I never knew a good writer who wan't trying to be a great one.
VI | Thou shalt think continually of those who are truly great. |
I've often taken heart from rereading the first volume fo Graham Greene's autobiography, A Sort Of Life, which is about his early struggles. I've also had the chance to visit him in Antibes, where he lives in a small two-room flat (a tiny place for such a tall man) with the luxuries of benign air and a view of the sea but few possessions apart from books. He seems to have few material needs, and I'm sure this has something to do with the inner freedom that radiates from his works. Though he claims to have wirtten his "enterntainments" for money, he is a writer who is directed by his obsessions without regard to changing fashions and popular ideologies, and this freedom is communicated to his readers. He liberates you from the weight of your own compromise, at least while you read him. This kind of achievement is possible only for a writer of Spartan habits.
None of us has a chance to meet many great men in person, but we can be in their company if we read their memoirs, journals and letters. Avoid biographies, though - especially dramatized biographies in the form of films or television series. Almost everything that comes to you about artists through the media is sheer bunk, written by lazy hacks who don't have the faintest notion of either art or hard work. The most recent example is Amadeus, which tries to convince you that it is easy to be a genius like Mozart and very hard to be a mediocrity like Salieri. Read Mozart's letters instead.
As for specific literature on the writing life, I'd recommend Viginia Woolf's A Room Of My Own, Shaw's preface to The Dark Lady Of The Sonnets, Jack London's Martin Eden and, above all, Balzac's Lost Illusions.
VII | Thou shalt not let a day pass without rereading something great. |
Nothing that has already been done can tell you how to do something new, but if you understand the masters' techniques, you have a better chance to develop your own. To put it in terms of chess: there hasn't been a grand master who didn't know his predecessors' championship games by heart.
Don't commit the common mistake of trying to read everything in order to be well infromed. Being well informed will allow you to shine at parties, but is absolutely no use to you as a writer. Reading a book so you can chat about it is not the same thing as understanding it. It is far more useful to read a few great novels over and over again until you see what makes them work and how the writers constructed them. You have to read a novel about five times before you can perceive its structure, what makes it dramatic, what gives it pace and momemtum. Its variations in tempo and time-scale, for instance: the author describes a minute in two pages them covers two years in one sentence - why? When you've figured this out you really know something.
Every writer will pick his own favoirites from whom he thinks he can learn the most, but I strongly advise against reading Victorian novels, which are riddled with hypocrisy and bloated with redundant words. Even George Eliot wrote too much about too little.
When you are tempted to overwrite, read the short stories of Heinrich von Kleist, who said more with fewer words than any other writer in the history of Western literature. I read him constantly, along with Swift and Sterne, Shakepseare, and Mark Twain. At least once a year I reread almost everything by Pushkin, Gogol, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Stendhal, and Balzac. To my mind Kleist and these ninteenth-century French and Russian novelists were the greatest masters of prose, a constellation of unsurpassed geniuses such as we find in music from Bach to Beethoven, and I try to learn something from them every day. This is my "technique".
VIII | Thou shalt not worship London/New York/Paris. |
Even if you live at Land's End, there is no reason for you to feel out of touch. If you have a good paperback library of great writers, and if you keep rereading them, you will have access to more secrets of literature than all the cultural phonies who set the tone in the big cities. I know a leading New York critic who has never read Tolstoy and is proud of it, too. So don't waste time worrying about what is the declared fashion, the right subject or the right style of what sort of things win prizes. Andybody who ever succeeeded in literature did so on his own terms.
IX | Thou shalt write to please thyself. |
This means there is no point in forcing yourself to be interested in something that bores you. When I was young I wasted a lot of time trying to describe clothes and furniture. I didn't have the slightest interest in clothes or furniture, but Balzac had a passionate interest in them which he managed to communicate even to me while I was reading him, so I though I had to master the art of writing exciting paragraphs about cupboards if I was ever to become a good novelist. My efforts were doomed and used up all my enthusiasm for what I had been trying to write about in the first place.
Now I only write about what interests me. I don't look for subjects: whaterer it is that I can't stop thinking about - that is my subject. Stendhal said that literature is " the art of leaving out," and I leave out everything that doesn't striker me as important. I describe people only in terms of their actions, statements, thoughts, feelings, which have shocked/mystified/amused/delighted me in myself or others.
It isn't easy, of course, to stick to what you really care about; we would all like to be thought of as people who are curioous about everything. Who ever attended a party without faking interest in something? But when you write you have to resist the temptaion, and when you read over what you have written, you must always ask yourself, "Does this really interest me?"
If you please yourself - your real self, not some fanciful notion of yourself as the noblest of persons who cares only about the starving children of Africa - then you have a chance to write a book that will please millions. This is so because no matter who you are, there are millions of people in the world who are more or less like you. But no one wants to read a novelist who doesn't mean what he writes. The trashiest bestseller has one thing in common with a great novel: they are both authentic.
X | Thou shalt be hard to please. |
It is as that stage that I ponder the chapter long enough to learn it by heart - I recite it word for word to anyone who is willing to listen - and If I cannot remember something, I usually find that it wasn't right. Memory is a good critic.
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