"Talent borrows, but genius steals." — Oscar Wilde



  I'll be updating this page whenever I come across anything.

Kafka Sites

    Larger, More Extensive Sites

            Joseph K.'s Castle Page    This is THE page about Kafka on the Net.

            Constructing Franz Kafka    Really impressive.

            Skot's Existentialism Page: Franz Kafka  Thoughtful critique of Kafka's work. 

            Mauro Nervi's Kafka Page    Mauro's "Kafka Project" is quite an extensive endeavor—the most extensive collection of texts anywhere (in the German critical editions), essays, and some links.

            Kafka in the Encyclopedia Britannica       The entry for Franz Kafka in the Encyclopedia Britannica, always my favorite source for papers written at the eleventh hour in high school!

             An Intercourse With Ghosts, a collection of Franz Kafka's works    This site collects a lot of Kafka's works in a sort of library. Continually updated with new material.

            Das Schloss    STILL unfinished, but lots of links.  

            Dutch Franz Kafka Circle    In Dutch (duh!), English, and German. This has more of a scholarly bent.

            Daniel's Kafka and Kabbalah page    This includes info about Kafka, the Kabbalah, and Judaism in general. Quite interesting. This site has also been improved considerably.

            Kafka's Clattering Mill    Very interesting essays on The Castle, The Trial, Amerika and A Little Woman.

            Franz Kafka    A very pretty page, this has texts to some stories like A Little Woman, A Hunger Artist, and The Bridge.

            Franz Kafka 1833 - 1924    A very nice site with plenty of info, plus tons of pictures. Focuses on "The Village Schoolmaster" AKA "The Giant Mole," with the text of the story and an analysis. A shame it's so well-hidden, though.

    Smaller Sites

            my tribute to franz kafka     part of "another useless homepage."  a page with an attitude...i like that.

            Metamorphosis Team Project    This site features some very impressive 3-D graphics of The Metamorphosis.

            Bohemian Ink Kafka Page    Part of the truly impressive Bohemian Ink page. Incidentally, Bohemia is the region in central Europe where Prague is located.

            Kafka Society of America    A tiny lil' page.

            Franz Kafka Photo Album   More pix!

            Katharena Eiermann's Kafka site    Part of her "Pleasures of the Mind" page. I always liked pleasures of the flesh myself... ;-) Seriously, this is an impressive site.

             A Tribute to Franz Kafka    Featuring a biography and some quotes.

             Franz Kafka at the Joe Lindsay All-Internet Extravaganza!    Features a lengthy and interesting essay on Kafka and Interpretation. Also an account of his life and a list of his works, all linked to Amazon.com.

            Absurdist's Kafka Page    Good stuff.

            The Casa de Kafka    Cute!

            Eric LoPresti's Page    If you look under "Index of Pages," you'll find a very interesting essay about "The Metamorphosis."

    Foreign Language Sites

            Franz Kafka: Ein Hypertext-Projekt    Extensive site--in Deutsch!--containing texts, bibliographies, and other stuff.

            Kafka-Verbindungen     Another extensive site in German, lots of texts.

            Die Kafka-Page    Another German site.

            Pagina de Kafka    A page in Spanish. Su trabajo es muy bueno, amigo.

            Uma viagem pela vida e obra de Kafka    This site is in Portuguese, with some texts and stuff. Muito internacional, e todo pra voce.

            Kafka     A little page in French. Je dois dire que c'est mignon.

    Some Amusing Sites

            Franz Kafka's Trivia Challenge   Hilarious!

            Kafka     Humorous essay about Kafka's works.

            Kafka Gets Laid    !?  (Gee, wonder how often this happened...)  Story about Kafka and his (fictional) girlfriends.        His ex-wife is called...Leni.  (I always suspected he was a fictional character himself, but this is going a bit further... just kidding! ;-))

Kafka's Translators

            Edwin Muir Homepage    Edwin and Willa Muir, a Scottish couple, did the original translations of Kafka's works into English, back in the 1930s. Even though they've gotten a lot of flack for their now somewhat dated but stil excellent translations, they were great writers in their own right.

Cultural Sites

            Jewish Museum in Prague     Some cultural background.

            The Kabbalah Home Page   Hey!  Something Kafka has in common with Madonna?both 40, and both study  (studied) the Kabbalah, a mystical form of Judaism.

            The Official Czech Republic Page    Kafka's under Famous Czechs of the 20th Century.

            WebSite Prague    Why not make a little visit to Prague while you're here? Think of it as a mini-field trip.

             Charles (Ferdinand) University, Prague    Kafka's alma mater!

          Berlin and Prague: Nazis, Jews, stamp collectors, and beautiful women   We'll just see about that, won't we? Philip Greenspun visits Berlin and Prague, including some Kafka locales.

Publisher Pages

            Shockin'  Schocken Books      Kafka's main American publisher.

            S. Fischer Verlag    Kafka's German publisher's page about him. Sorry--it's all in German.


Sites with Nothing Whatsoever To Do With Anything Else On This Page

            Hypercube's Home Page    Visit the 4th dimension on this page! Painless education, at least in comparison to writing lengthy essays on Kafka.

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